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Be their cheerleader. Help them celebrate all the little achievements and recognize them in front of their peers. A lot of students who come to career colleges struggled in traditional schools and some have never received awards. It really helps to recognize their achievements with them.

Good ways to encourage and support students. Let them know you care about them as individuals and are there to support them if they are willing to put forth the needed effort.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

Have a solid plan at the beginning of a term, that spells out what is expected from each student in order to succeed and get a passing grade for the class. This will show the learners, if they are being successful or not, and if they are not, giving feedback on why. Constant contact with your students are a key, so that everyone is on the same page, and will take less energy in the end for both the instructor and the learner, and make a less stressful environment.

This is a good way to provide support for the duration of the course. Each phase of the course is clear and the expectations are known. This way the students can see where they are in the course and what they need to accomplish to keep pace with the class.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

I provide a variety of activities within the course so every student has an opportuinty to be successful. For instance, we have class discussions, watch videos that relate to the material, a variety of homework assignments, team projects, individual assignments, and so forth. This ensures that every student has an opportunity to be successful in their learning experience.

Like the way you are providing different engagement opportunities for your students. You are appealing to the different learning preferences represented among your students and as a result all them will have an opportunity to acquire knowledge and application of the content.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

Creating a foundation of small successes in the classroom and labratory settings builds confidence. Validating the student's success and encouraging them as they struggle shows them that they have nothing to fear but everything to gain. A well developed syllabus, road map, shows the student how they can achieve success in small steps relative to the course. Describing personal past failures and way I have dealt with them or addressed them or learned from them and applied them to future problems can also be educational.

You make a great point about the need for small successes. This is especially true for older adult learners. They are often fearful of being able to be successful when coming back to school so if they can have early success in a course their confidence soars. The upon the foundation of those small success comes greater success and it just builds from there. I really enjoy days when this occurs in my adult learners and they realize that in fact they are going to pass the course and maybe even with an A.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

There are several ways that can be used to help the students to overcome the fear of not being able to pass the coarse. Even the way we talk to students can make a difference. I personally like to be relaxed, even have a joke with the students. The relaxed environment takes that tension from the classroom away, especially, during the first few days of the class. Of course, being organized and giving all the necessary information for students to study is crucial. As a lecturer I should not deviate from what I lecture in the classroom and I actually ask during exam. The worst thing for a student is when we lecture a specific topic, but have an unrelated question during exam... Also, we as teachers have to know very well the material we are talking about. When a student feels that teacher does not know his/her topic, it make them feel confused, insecure and feared....

Well said. A organized but comfortable approach to instructional delivery goes a long way in getting the attention of students and helping them to see the value of the content being offered.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

by encouraging them, for some this is the first time that anyone in their family has gone to college. I usually tell my students there is never a question that cannot be answered and just because they did not know the answer someone else in the class is feeling the same way. I also tell students this is my second career I was a bedside nurse for over 30 years and still am, however I now teach because I can and want to. Most of my students this is a second career for them as well, or they cannot make it at a standard college. I tell the students that I have an open door policy if they do not understand something that was said in class then come see me and I will help them one to one.

Thank you for your being willing to share your career experiences with your students. After 30 years of nursing you have encountered so many different situations that I know you are able to share examples with your students on every topic that you cover in the course. Also the fact you are teaching because you want to says a lot about your personality and passion for nursing and that you want to help prepare others to enter your field. This is the human factor in teaching and you are displaying it each time you step into the classroom or lab.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

Many adult students have very valid fears about returning to school. These include concerns about family, childcare, and their current career. Other concerns may include test taking and competing with younger students.
I like to create a relaxing environment and in the process I introduce myself, let them know a little of my background, and how I teach the course. I usually ask them what they do for a living and why they have chosen the program that they are in. I will then pass out the syllabus that shows the due dates for all assignments, exams, quizzes, and other required work. I also use a variety of teaching methods that present information for both visual and auditory learners. Finally, I try to realize how each student is a unique individual and develop teaching style with those individuals in mind.

I really like your understanding and approach. By you putting forth the extra effort to understand your students you are providing them with support and setting them at ease. This way they can focus on being successful and hopefully not become overwhelmed with being back in school. Nothing like some early success in a course to get them fired up and feeling like they are glad to be in school. Keep up the good work.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

Asses the fear/issue, present them with positive examples and encouragement to show the student how easy it may be to overcome that fear

This is important for all students but especially those older students that have been out of school for a while. They have as you know a lot of fear about being able to be successful in their studies. The more encouragement you can offer them the easier it will be for them to develop self confidence.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

I too like to have a relaxed almost fun classroom environment.I think if the students are ejoying their class they will do better with testing.As well as the instuctor being aprochable with questions.

A comfortable and supportive environment where the instructor is recognized as the learning leader but the students feel they can participate and contribute with ease goes a long way in setting up a positive learning experience for everyone.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

Personal interaction goes a long way -
acknowledging and normalizing their fears
connecting them with their peers

Yes it does. This is the human factor in teaching. They need to see that we value them as human beings and we are there to support their success if they are willing to put forth the needed effort.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

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