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Helping to reach all students

In presenting a lecture I have items to present to go along with the topics. (a mini show and tell, before the labs) I try to present the material so that hopefully all sences will be met for the difference in the way students learn.

I learned how important it is to reach all students, and to check if I am making sure they are learning properly and if I help each and every one of them or am I just presuming that I reached them all. I all so learned to move about the classroom ishelpful to make sure everyone feels part of the class.

I agree with having a motivating opening. I typically try to find a case or current event that presents the legal content we will be discussing. This helps peek student's interest early in the lecture by giving them a concrete example they can relate to.

Using relevant scenarios in a class discussion, of new concepts, often enhances the comprehension for our diverse learners.

That is fantastic! I also like to utilize multiple teaching strategies in order to engage the students in a meaningful manner. It helps to use as may varied approaches as are possile in these situations.

We all have to remember to teach the class as if there are always the 4 different types of learners (sometimes requireing to approach the subject from 4 diferent angles). If you stick to this teaching technique, even the students who have some trouble with the subject matter will generally pick up on tidbits of information from all 4 of the learning styles and start to understand.

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