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Overview and Recap

If time permits, I always like to finish my class with a quick recap. We discuss how the day went, what went right, what went wrong and how they could improve their skills. I also like to do an overview on what to expect the next day so students can go home and prepare for what is about to come.

I agree - that way you can address issues that you see a large part of the class is struggling with - the students do not feel so alone, and you can save time by making suggestions to the whole class at once.

I follow the same example when time permits. I agree that it helps the students to realize that they may have struggled but others did as well.

I agree, it is always a good way to show how successful your teaching of that particular skill was. How successful the students are at executing that skill is the best way to determine if your message was delivered accurately.

The best part of recapping the days events is to see what worked, what the students missed and to gauge what they actually retained.

Sometimes I like to have students do the overview and recap of the day. When they are done I'll add my comments.

Hi Eric!

Therefore, you will know how to plan for your next class.

Keep up the good work!

Jane Davis
ED107 Facilitator

When we recap the days events, it shows me what the students have learned that day and where they need help. It also offers the students an opportunity to participate in the plan for the next day's activities.

I like recapping as well. I also like a doing a recap after a weekend just before moving on to another subject.

When I finish my class, I remind them what a great class they are. I never tell them about their mistakes, but praise what they did correct.

I have learned that if you walk into a class with a bad attitude, then the class will not go as well.

The students make mistakes, but they do not need to hear about it, it is negative energy. Without making mistakes, how will they learn?

Going around the room, if time permits is a good way also to recap individual learning experinece and what students had learned.

I like to do the recap - allows for clarification of concept if need be.

If time permits at the end of class. I recap what we have covered in lecture and in the lab. Asking the students questions about the projects they worked on and how the lecture helped them better understand the procedures they did in lab.

I also start out in lab and have the students work on projects and then towards the end of class I will bring them into lecture to give them a better understanding of what they did in lab. Often times doing projects first, makes it easier to retain the lecture topic.

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