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With my focus for the next 4 months only in the clinical area, I plan to use support materials in this manner. Each student is given a current journal article to read and give a report on. The articles focus on the particular pts we work with. The Pygmalian effect is applied here in that I expect each report to capture the intent of the article and to bring a higher level of understanding of the pt to each student.

That is a good idea to use in any instructional setting.

I agree that it is an excellent idea in any instructional setting. I am a clinical nursing instructor for Practical Nurses. Much of E107 is geared to a classroom setting that you can change or enhance for learning, e.g. signs and posters. But where I teach I may not have a consistent place to be a "classroom." However, after the day is over, I meet with the students and go over some of the issues or problems that one or two of the students had encountered. I had not thought of this as "debriefing," but it sure fits with what we do. The students seem to enjoy discussing any of the problems or issues facing them in their learning. Thanks, Dale

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