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I agree with that Susan. When I started teaching, I had that problem when I assign assessment on group, some students did not did there work, but after I ask to do a journal about each person on the group, how did what and also stay in that that will be part of the grade, evaluating each other and been sure that everybody work, it improve a lot.

I love group projects for so many reasons. However, assessing performance of each student is tough. I've altered how I do it frequently. Right now I'm using a rubric with comments that student fill out about their group members. students receive credit if they complete it thoughtfully and they receive a score based on how their group rates them and the comments they receive. I've also gone from doing this just at the end of the project to a few times during the process.

HI Marien- Thanks for your post to the forum! Making sure that students understand that in group work they will also be assessed individually is essential. Best wishes for continued success in your teaching career! Susan

I have to agree that lab group tasks are very challenging to assess as there is usually a slacker and one person does all the work.

During this term while teaching a Marketing principles class I have assembled 9 students into three groups to work on a project and presentation. In one area of assessment being the student's participation I am having no problems getting feedback from one particular group because two of the members are constantly complaining about the other. And what is so interesting I ask for benchmarks and deliverables and this team always have their materials on time. I try to encourage them to get a long and concentrate on the end product which has helped but I would love to know just how to keep down the strife within the group. Any suggestions?

Hi Mark - From your post it seems that one member of the team is not doing his share of the work. I recommend having a team survey of each other at regular intervals during the course of the project. Then, once you get the negative feedback it would warrant your speaking to that other student. Best wishes! Susan

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