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questions in which you do not know the answer

anyone else get discouraged when a student asks a question that you do not know the answer? i sometimes find myself questioning myself and my knowledge and then again, i end up learning something in the process

I've found that when I check my personal pride and put my students' needs above my own need to be right, I garner more respect from my class. No one likes the know-it-all, particularly when its the instructor.

Prepare for your class but also understand that learning is for all in the class.


As instructors, we are the subject duty experts but we will never know everything. We have to remember that students will respect use more by telling them we don't know the answer but we will find the answer. Once you get the answer follow up with the student.

There were times I too was stunned when I didn't have the answer or didn't have the resource of information, I actually admitted I didn't know the answer, so I would actually asked if anyone know the correct answer or I would follow up with the correct answer the following class time.

I agree that sometimes when I do not know the answer to a question, I beat myself up, but I do let the class know that I do not know the answer. Sometimes, students will Google the question to get an immediate response. Sometimes, I will make it a homework question so that everyone looks up the answer and reports back the next class. Sometimes, I find the answer and get back to them the next class. I have come to realize that I cannot possibly know every answer to every question that arises, but it is important to find out the correct answer.

This some days can happen, it seems, too often but then there are days that it doesnt. However, what I do it tell them, "that is a very good question and I am not sure of the exact answer but I will tell you what my theory is off the top of my head. I will look it up tonightfor the correct answer but I also want you to look it up and we can compare".

Hi Eric, Thanks for mentioning the importance of "follow-up"!

Susan Polick

Hi Rick, That is an excellent point - Thanks for sharing!

Susan Polick

Hi Brenda, Thanks for your post to the forum. I think every instructor has been there at some point! Best wishes for continued success in your teaching career.

Susan Polick

Hi Stephanie, Thanks for your post to the forum. I am sure that every instructor has been there at least once! What's important is how we handle it. Best wishes for continued success in your teaching career.

Susan Polick

Hi Jeanie, That is a great approach!

Susan Polick

yes, I have had this happen, not really knowing the answer to a student's question, but I am honest about it and let the student know that I don't know the answer to their question, but will have the answer to you by tomorrow. I sometimes think the student respect the fact that instuctors are human and are not afraid to be honest with the student.

Hi Marilyn, Thanks for your post to the forum. I agree that an honest response is the best response! Best wishes for continued success in your teaching career.

Susan Polick

I completely agree or I would let my students know I will get back to you ASAP with an answer.

yes i have had this happen. Although i am teacher i am still a human, I am not a god and do not have answers to everything. I usually let class know i well get back to them on that.

Learning is good for all of us we just have to be honest with our students and follow up with them when we get an answer for them.

When you teach something like 3D software, it is nearly impossible to know every answer to a question. Though if the subject matter of the question is outside the learning scope of the course, then you can just direct them to information like the help file.

I agree, I feel that students respect instructors when they are honest about not knowing the answer to a question. No one ever wants to feel unsure about an answer but I never want to pretend I know the answer and the student find out I told a lie to cover. Besides being in the technology age they can find the answer faster that you can give the a false answer.

As Instructors we have a lot of knowledge on our subject matter. But, like everyone else we do not know everything. When I do not have an answer, I will tell my students that I will find the answer to that question. I will look it up or ask the other Instructors. We learn just like the students learn.

I get these types of questions about once a week. I find that no matter how much you know and prepare, someone will ask you something that you don't know. If its a question that is on point of the subject I respond by saying "That is a great question, and I don't have the answer to that. I will find out for you unless anyone would like to look it up." I tell my students that we are all learning everyday. That you learn from me, and I learn from you all.

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