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Whole class involvement

It's important not to let the same students answer all the questions. Make sure you call on the entire class to answer questions or add to discussions.

Those students can often discourage other class members. Especially if they are always right.

some time u need disorder to get order, this always breaks the ice and students tend too losen up and answer questions they may not of answered befor. weather right or wronge , at least they particiapate.

I like using the whole class method of questioning and see if the rest of the class thinks that the student's answer is correct. I liked the idea of the correct wait time and also listening.

I agree but I have to admit that I do feel some discomfort in questioning a specific student that doesn't volunteer the answer: I don't want to put her under a "feeling stupid" position.

Something that I have done is to have the students work in pairs and develop questions concerning the lesson after I have finished presenting information. Then each group passes their questions to the next pair, and they try to answer each others' questions. When all of the questions have been answered we, as a class, summarize the questions and the correct responses. This gets everyone involved, but the shy students do not necessarily have to speak in front of a group. I provide follow up questions for any topic that was not covered.

Hi Kelly- a terrific idea. I'll bet that the questions the teams come up are often those the shy ones had but would never have asked!

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