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support all styles of learning

If we support all styles of learning in the classroom, students will feel a cohesive environment form and be more receptive to both the knowledge and one another.

Hi Kirstie, Thanks for your post to the forum. Iagree- when we make an effort design our delivery to meet all the learning styles, our students all feel engaged in their learning. Best wishes for continued success in your teaching career.

Susan Polick

I agree with Susan. Often times we forget that we are all individuals who process information differently. What works for one individual might no work for me. Supporting different learning styles in the class room allows students to progress more efficiently which allows you to meet syllabus deadlines easier.

Hi Consuala, Thanks for your post to the forum. Meeting the needs of diverse learning styles takes extra work up front, but as you say it does make our teaching more effective overall. Best wishes for continued success in your teaching career.

Susan Polick

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