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Using DVD's to enhance lessons

I use DVD's from different sources containing interviews with professional music business people. When some of the most successful people in the business tell my students what I have already told them it deffinitely sets the hook.

Copyright is an issue for me. I can't use a dvd unless my school has licensed it.

In my opinion, using DVD's seems to be another way or facet of teaching and helping students get a better understanding of the lessons that they have already done through. I don't feel it should be the only avenue of teaching, but it surely is a great way for students to retain what they have already learned and it's good tool to use when something learned has been forgotten. I think this is a great idea and something I will certainly bring up with my superior in the school where I teach.

Be careful on how long you show a DVD in the class. I have shown a DVD in class in the past and had several complaints since the students are paying for the class and they could be watching this on their own time. If it is only for a few minutes, and it shows a real world situation backing up your lecture, that is fine. Don't use an entire class period to show a DVD.

I have found alot of times that using video methods after my lecture will not only inforce the lecture but may also be able to show or explain the concept in a differant way which will be benificial to students that maybe didnt really "get it" in the lecture but were maybe too shy or afraid to ask questions about it.

using dvd that relate to class material and don't go over an hour

I have made my own DVDs and found them to be very successful at creating interest and showing incredible detail that otherwise be tough to illustrate

Using DVD's in a lesson can be a way for students to use their own learning style by doing a class project. Each student could make a DVD using their own style of learning and give the presentation to the class. Maybe using the format of a skit of some sort, depending on the type of course it is. This could be done in Power Point too.

I use DVD's in my classrooms, and find that they would great. There is a great TV channel that makes great shows that I show. It shows the students things that I just can't show them. It give great real world examples. one thirty minute show can explain and show you what it might take 1 hour or up to a few years to demo.

I agree. I use CNBC alot. I find that my students usually appreciate the break from lecture, and it is good to hear the concepts discussed in the lecture from someone else. It also lets them see application of theory and concepts.

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