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Classroom Setup

I go over the following with my students on the first and/or second day. It is one of the pages on the class website and the last page on the syllabus.

Classroom Worksite

The classroom is setup as a simulated professional worksite. It will help you to acquire the discipline needed for positive career growth. In addition, it provides the technical skill sets and the social or “soft” skills needed in order to be successful in professional occupations. The classroom has been developed from the feedback of International Business College’s Advisory Board Committees and studies conducted by the Pacific Institute, a business research firm that assists Career Schools and Colleges like our school.


All students are assigned workstations just like you would be assigned a workstation or office in the professional world. You are responsible for keeping your area in good condition and shutting down your workstation if you are in the last class of the day.


This is one of the major concerns of employers. Your class attendance affects your grade in two ways. First, six or more absences will reduce your overall average grade by a minus 10 points.

Second, you will receive a deduction on your individual project grades based on how late your projects are submitted. Attendance is based on you signing into class everyday, which is in effect punching a time card.

Teaching style

You are expected to read each assigned Project. Lectures will be short, to the point, and will discuss the highlights of the current Project. Most of the class time will be spent working on your Laboratory assignments. Guided lectures are used to help individual students or the entire class to enhance your job skills.

Just like a professional employee you are responsible for your work. Just like any supervisory, I am here to help you and answer your questions. Make sure you have the proper folders & files needed for the course. If you are unsure, ask your instructor if you have the correct folders and files.


If you come to class and work everyday, you will have more than enough time to complete your projects. If you don’t attend class or waste time on the internet, you will have a completion problem.


I would rather answer your questions on what you want to know, than lecture on what I think you want to know.

I encourage you to ask at least 2,000 questions a day. Questions are the best way to learn what others already know.

Project Evaluation

The Evaluation System helps to assess the quality of your work product and proofreading skills necessary in a professional occupation. It illustrates the requirement for quality work on the job applying both hard and soft skills. Remember, quality work means more $ in your pocket. The syllabus covers the evaluation process in more detail.

Hi Fred,
Great outline. Don't know how much clearer you can be. By having this concrete information the students can concentrate on how they will fit into the class and its' requirements. This gives them many opportunities for personal growth. Super job on setting the course up for student success.

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