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Get to know each other

In providing activities for students to get to know each other, one must be careful not to require too much personal information. In today's environment, that could be embarrassing for some, any comments?

Bill Adriance

Hi Bill,
You bring up an interesting point that to date I have not had a problem with. The "ice breakers" I use keep the solicited information at such a level that the students don't feel like their privacy is being invaded. They really enjoy our introduction activities which set the stage for what is to come in the class.
If you have some examples of what you are referring to I will be glad to discuss them with you.

I usually ask some open ended questions that illicit responses that can be embarrasing for some students. These are usually made by the more unsensitive ones that talk about the three forbidden subjects -- sex, politics and religion.


I think this all about how student understand this. We have different class of student, some of the students need to be known very well (like Virginia Tech. Cho Seung-Hui). Now-a-days it is not easy for a teacher to teach in the fast changing courses and industry demands in the confused environment. We need to bring quality teachers and have quality students too. I myself is srtong supporter of knowing each other very well.

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