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feedback at the end of the day

I teach in a culinary school, I supervise and discuss with my students as they are working and at the end of the day we discuss the successes and failures of the day. We discuss why it was a success and how to improve the failures.

Hi Mary Jo,
I really like how you help your students see how failures can be turned into success.

Patricia Scales

I teach in a massage therapy program and at the end of the class I try to discuss what they thought they did well and what they could improve on. Since they usually work on each other, I allow time for them to give each other constructive criticism.

Hi Becka,
Constructive feedback is what I like to call it is always helpful, especially if one takes it as opportunity to learn and grow from.

Patricia Scales

I teach in the same school as Chef Gore. It is amazing to see the response from students and the improvements they make from both the positivie and the negative feedback at the end of the day. I often see the students who fail at something work harder and actually learn more from the experience than those who suceed the first time.

Hi Larry,
I have seen that failure can really push students to strive even more.

Patricia Scales

I absolutely agree with Mary Jo and Larry, and not just because I too teach at the same culinary school. I try very hard to discuss all of the important concepts and practical applications of cooking technique during my lecture and demonstration, but unsurprisingly, it is while the students are performing the same tasks at their stations that they either "get it" or don't. The end of the day wrapup works incredibly well to reinforce best practices, as they have just experienced what will happen if they have instituted them in their own work or have not. Seeing what happens amongst their classmates is nearly as valuable as my lecture/demonstration, as it can reinforce the good practices and practically demonstrate the poor practices.

I find the feedback leaves a lasting impression of the day's studies and student's return the next day ready to continue learning and discussing the benefits of what they've learned

D Back

Hi Colin,
You never know what a student can do until they actually have to do it themselves. Application shows the true understanding of a concept.

Patricia Scales

Hi David,
Positive feedback is great to keep students motivated and making them want to come back to the class the next day.

Patricia Scales

Sometimes it is the same students making mistakes over and over and if an example is made of their work they could start to feel discouraged. What are some ways to make the self-critique more constructive?

I teach veterinary technology and my program is usually 95% female. I find if you report 9 good things that happened in the day and 1 bad thing, the students will dwell and personalize the negative. Does anyone have any effective strategies for this problem?

Hi Amy,
Have your students research negativity/positivity and present their findings/research to the class.

Patricia Scales

That is a great idea and it also makes them think outside of the box when when they have to turn a failure into a new positive learning experiene.

Hi Rhonda,
This is also a good way to help students stay positive.

Patricia Scales

I agree, I try to teach that we learn with failures so technically there are no failures as long as we learn from our mistakes.

Hi John,
Every mistake should be learned from, therefore you are right, it should not be looked at as a failure.

Patricia Scales


I have found the same thing. I truly believe it is personality related to some degree.

Being a culinary teacher as well, I think it is very important to be cognoscente of primacy and recency and as you said reinforce their learning as well as relate it to new lessons.

Hi Matt,
Reinforcement is key! We have to make sure our students can do what we have taught them.

Patricia Scales

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