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Hi Sherry,
Students really love it and really get to thinking when you give them real-world scenarios to solve. They will think very hard on an assignment as such.

Patricia Scales

I like to lead my student to them finding out how to locate the answers they need to learn the objective they are involved in.

I like to have group discussions of case scenarios. I've even allowed students to teach the topic for the day.

Hi Thomas,
Our students need guidance and facilitation.

Patricia Scales

Hi Jaquana,
Our students will amaze you with their delivery skills. Peer teaching is very effective; students really can/do learn a lot from each other.

Patricia Scales

I work at a medical career college and we consistently create critical thinking problems for our students in their laboratory practical skill sets. We will give them problem scenarios that they have been trained to deal with and they must think and work through the problem some skill sets are pass or fail.

Hi Mike,
We do the same thing at my education institution. Our students have competencies that they must pass in their clinical and lab courses to better prepare them for the workplace. The competencies involve critical and analytical skills.

Patricia Scales

I teach Medical Assisting at a Career College and we create critical think scenarios the students have to go over and then show me what they would need to do by role playing and/or answering questions about the topic.

We do the same thing where I teach.

In Environmental Science, I introduce the topic of 'Worldviews' with a short lecture and some discussion. I then present a real-world scenario where a decision has to be made to build a project (typically a coal electrical power plant) or not with real - in the scenario - impacts people and the environment. Groups of students are then tasked with making the decision and justifying that in a short presentation to the rest of the class. This leads to more discussions about values, pollution and resource use.

Hi Lisa,
Students really do love role playing, and role playing is an effective way to learn.

Patricia Scales

Hi Tim,
Students enjoy learning through using real-world scenarios. They really do come up with creative ways to deal with things.

Patricia Scales

what can you do as a dental assistant to make a patient feel comfortable?
What are some ways of behaving in order to secure a job off of externship?
What can you change for the better about yourself?

I have an activity that I do with students up on the board. Its something different. I ask them to describe in one to two words a dental assistant. Then I tell them I have one in my head if they guess it they get a prize. It Team Player and usually one gets it. But this promotes critical thinking in the classroom.

I teach in a technology field, but it is one that involves lots of personal interaction with clients. In addition to discussion of hypothetical situations, I try to set up real world scenarios and I'll bring in a professional from the field to act as a client. I find this forces my students to think on their feet and find solutions in a timely manner. After the session is over, the guest client provides real-world feedback about how the class handled the situation.

Hi Matthew,
Awesome! Students enjoy it when we make learning apply to the real world. What a great way to utilize resources to enhance your students learning experience.

Patricia Scales

Hi Nicole,
These are great questions to poise to students to help them behave professionally and land that professional position that they are seeking.

Patricia Scales

Hi Patricia,

Examples of of activities that I involve my students in the course that I am currently teaching include role play, student debates, fill-in worksheets and group discussion.

I find having the students actively involved increase their class participation and they have a better learning experience.

I asked my students different types of question which allow them to personally interact with me as their instructor and their peers.

Vernise Walker

Hello Ms. Scales and forum mates.

One strategy I have applied this quarter, as well as quarters past, is team teaching.

This strategy causes students to take ownership of the skills they need to master. Each team covers a section of one or two (no more than two) learning objectives; then they present what they have learned in whatever method or medium they prefer. Their main goal is to teach classmates.

At times, this feels shaky if students have not prepared by reading or have no prior knowledge of concepts. All in all, it has been a good method namely because of the ownership factor. Secondly, deciding how their classmates might learn it best causes them to think critically about what they will do to present the material.

Hi Vernise,
Great exercises to promote crtical thinking. I also like to do mock learning, scenarios, and simulations to promote critical thinking.

Patricia Scales

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