Vernise Walker

Vernise WalkerCHEP

Location: concorde


reading working out @ the gym


dental hygiene instructor rdh bs, ms ed


Using the virtual meeting places and tools  for my students can be very beneficial to my students learning experience. Creating virtual environmental learning spaces which are designed to help the student be successful as they move forward in their educational experience can provide knowledge that can be help them  succeed, learn and apply what they have learn in a creative manner.

Group project or individual project can be a great learning tool and having a rubric that is discussed with the students can elevate the stress of grading these project and the student can see and understand  what is expected of them and exactly how they are going to be  graded. 

In my DH program, my students have a goal of successfully passing three exams in order to get their DH license. I therefore remind them how important class participation is and how they can build one success upon another, by critically thinking through the process using the tools they have learned. I also remind them to stay focus on obtaining that goal by being an active learner  during their educational learning process.

The students rights are protected and parents have little or no say even if they are paying the student’s tuition. 
what is your prospective from a student’s point of view or from the paying parent’s point of view and do you feel either rights are being violated?

I learned the importance of knowing my audience and presentng according to my audience's needs.

It is important to be flexible and present in a relax yet knowledgeable manner.

Vernise Walker



Active learning proccess can improve student learning ability by having them actively participate while gaining knowledge of the topic presented.

I incorporate active learning activilties into my course which helps the student to critically  and anatalyically think throughout their learning process.


Active learning can be very beneficial in helping the student understand goal & objects that must be met during the learning process.


Incorporating technology into the course has proved to be beneficial in the  learning process. It can be used in many ways especially for my research course material . It allows student to have access to research material such as journal article and literaure reviews.  It also allows students to meet virtualy and they can work on projects  and class assignments which minimize traveling time and schedule conflict.


I find student feedback regarding the courses I teach can be very helpful in improving the course delivery. I have also learned that each class is differnt and that we as instructors need to get to know our class personality and ability to learn. We can use this information early on in the course which can help the class be more successful.


Instrucros can help empower students by giving the appropriate assignments, by encouraging students to take responsiblity for their educationand and by encouraging students to truly invest in themselves by taking ownership of their education.


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