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Ready,set go!

One must enjoy what they do. You must be passionate about the material, confident with the material, enjoy the work surroundings and the people they work with.Prepare for the class, be early, be ready with the material you will be needing on a daily basis. Don't continually leave the room for things you forgot. The students see you aren't ready for them and that can reflect how they percieve and react if you aren't ready and you really don't care about what you do or who you have infront of you. The student's can sence weaknesses in you and your methods and can turn on you in a hurry!

Hi David:
Yeah, I think any instructor or lesson that is accompanied by an impassioned facilitator will be meaningingful for the students. Just like, as you say, when an instructor is not prepared, the students pick up on that.

Regards, Barry

I agree that it's important to be prepared for class and how it can change the students perception of the Instructor and the course.

Hi Michael:
It's been said we have only one chance to make a good 1st impression. So being prepared, knowing your subject, being flexible all help gain the students confidence in the instructor and the course.

Regards, Barry

Being prepared for class is probably one of the best things you can do on your first day. The students do pick up on it when you are unprepared and not ready for the days lecture or lab.

Hi George:
Yes, students are perceptive this way, even if thy're not tuned in to the class topic. Instructors have just one opportunity to make a good first impression, and that impression will be foever forged in the student's mind. Fortunately the simply remedy is to do all we can to be prepared.

Regards, Barry

I agree you must be happy and enjoy what you do.

Hi Brian:
Its that enthusiasm that will capture a students otherwise inattentive deameanor ands actions in their classes. The attributes you describe are a part of that.

Regards, Barry

I think that enjoying what you do can make an enormous difference in the entire educational experience. If an instructor doesn’t enjoy the subject he’s in, students will pick up on any sort of indifference an instructor has. Knowledge is good, passion and knowledge together are great. Even the most mundane and remedial task can seem fun IF the person presenting it has a passion for it. For me that is automotive electricity. I can go on for hours just about how to use Ohm’s Law in a simple series circuit. I teach other automotive classes but nothing energizes me like electricity does (pun intended).

Hi Dwayne:
Great! I love enthusiastic instructors and the classes they teach. I love the lively discussions, hearty presentations, and excitement that is spontaneously generated and conveyed to the class! Yours sopunds one that I'd enjoy.

Regards, Barry

I spend time preparing the classroom for the first day because their first impression is important.Your efforts are noticed and appreciated by your students.

All of your preparation will demonstrate to the students that a prepared teacher and class is present.

Hi Peter:
Good points, all effective and demonstrate you care.

Regards, Barry

Hi Frank:
Preparation will promote the idea of a competent teacher and learning environment is present. It will contribute to higher levels of student respect too, I believe.

Regards, Barry

great time to be passionte about all the things that go on in the class. we sometime all think alike

Hi Ryan:
Yes...passion about anything is contagious and adds an interesting and uplifting to just about any setting.

Regards, Barry

I thin that it's interesting that all of the respondants to this thread are my Friends and Colleagues. I know each of them personally and have observed the various flavours of passion they bring to their class. I also have a passion for this calling.

I do feel that sudents will feel more comfortable and thus better able to learn if you allow yourself to be real people, warts, crooked eyes and all. I've never had a problem with students turning on me if they sense a foible. The students and I share the same objective. We just have different responsibilities to obtain this objective.


Hi Mike:
Good thoughts and nice reflection on yourself and your colleagues. I agree it's good the natural we can be. I think that helps make the students comfortable too.

Regards, Barry

Passion can make all the difference in the world when it comes to the classroom.

Hi Nathan:
When I think of the better teachers I've had in my lifetime, the ones who stood out or were most helpful demonstrated a passion of their lessons and classes they taught. Yes, passion is important, and it can be imparted to your students too.

Regards, Barry

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