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I've learned to Improve the purpose of voicemails by utilizing the 4 C's: clarity, content, creativity and confidence. Rehearse your ges, eliminate fillers and make sure you exude confidence. 

The 3 F's Feel, Felt and Found techniques and examples were helpful. 

I've learned the 10 commandments as well as what truly makes a good call. Which is a call that is made with clear communication on both sides of the call. 

I've learned the elements of the call, I've never seen it broken down this way. All of the elements are important in their own way and help build a meaningful call. 

Creating an effective presentation that is informative, and engaging helps create a rapport built on trust and though an in-person setting is most desired, in these days, conversations are mostly done via phone but can still be presented in an exhilarating manner if phone skills are applied. 

In this module, I learned about the correlation between attitude and energy.

I have learned how important it is to maintain high energy levels.

Your energy level can have a positive or negative influence on both students and colleagues.

A positive attitude can motivate both students and colleagues to perform at their best.

Comment on maria razo's post: facts!

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