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That there is a huge difference between interaction and intelligent interaction

I learned the value of virtual internships. Although VI's may not make sense for certain clinical aspects, for healthcare management, IT, coding, etc. could be beneficial for the organization and students. 

I learned what virtual internship are and who should complete them, 10 companies that support virtual work, and VI's can be as productive and in person internships. 

Using the proper resources and learning from past mistakes can bring institutions together when it comes to abiding by laws and regulations

As instructors it is our duty, to lead by example for the students, when it comes to copyright

Instructors must make sure they staying up to date with new laws and/or rules when it comes to technology today.

Comment on John Bart's post: that is a good idea to protect your work with your own copyright symbol

This training was very informal. I know now that even using certain cartoons can be copyrighted. It is important to be aware and follow these laws, so that we are protecting ourselves and our institution as well.

I learned the different elements you can incorporate into a class to promote a positive online learning environment. 

This section was a review of syllabus requirements, which most of the time are standard now (should be). I did learn some helpful suggestion on elements I may have been missing. 

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