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Asking questions and encouraging questions are beneficial to learning for all. And if the answer is unknown, it is ok to say you don't know, and either have someone else do the research or conduct it yourself, and have the results discussed. As for questions that may be unrelated or may confuse others, best to take those up one-on-one with the studen.

Knowing your learner is important to determine how you will provide delivery of the topic that is being taught. This will make you teachings more effective and efficient. Giving the learners an easier way for them to learn, and reducing any frustrations or negative learning.

I thought that the analytical thinking activities were fun and engaging and am going to incorporate them as a way to open up my class.

Comment on Patricia Bennett's post: The statement that there is no learning taking place when no teaching is taking place resonated with me because when I taught for the first time, my principal's favorite quote was " A lesson is not taught until it is learned"

The biggest thing I took away from this is the kind of instructor I would like to be. I want to be the instructor that is there 15+ minutes early to engage with my students or to be there if they have any questions about what we have covered so far.

Using the teaching specifics that have been identified in this module will assist the Instructor in making safety a natural, integrated part of the course which is paramount in nursing education.  

Teaching students on what equipment is available for their safety is probably one of the most important guidelines necessary in learning within this environment. 

Proper PPE - Personal protective equipment includes safety glasses, and protective gear to assist in protecting the student from biohazardous condition that they may find themselves in actual practice. 

Early during the beginning of the class there are rules that are clearly posted within the… >>>

Even though much of the literature states that the assessment in the lab environment may be often difficult, however in nursing education, this is the best form of evaluation because many students complain that the amount of knowledge they are expected to personalize is impossible unless it is put into action. The issue here is that there should be clear assessment guidelines, which will prevent students from being unprepared, anxious and being confused about the learning goals and the overall performance outcomes. 

The most common known styles of learning are;

Kinesthetic where learning is achieved by doing, being active and by being in motion.

Aural learning includes hearing, whereby the learned material is obtained through lecture and audio recording.

Visual learning is accomplished best by seeing, and developing mental images of what they are learning. 

Useful in mentioning that Nursing education expects the student to be competent in all three styles, in order to attain competency-based nursing education. 

Competency based education's goal is to connect the student with theory and practice. It is a student-centered educational approach. In nursing this is important because currently the nursing shortage is putting pressure on educational systems to produce competent nurses in half the time. Once Nursing was a four year - three-year nursing program, but currently it has been shortened to eighteen months. It is paramount that skilled nurses are developed with the ability to problem solve, be a critical thinker, and demonstrate interpersonal skills.  

Competency is the ability to use knowledge to reflect, analyze, judge resolve, discover, interact, and create … >>>

Lead by example.  Students look up to us as professionals.  We must model that.

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