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Comment on Amy Puckett's post:Well said Amy.

Try and hit the variety of learning styles as well as being as prepared as possible with a lot of preplanning.

A good first impression will leave a lasting impression for the students for the rest of the term. Always take the time to get to know the students and that the students feel safe to get to know one another. A comfortable classroom produces success.

Continue to find continuing education courses, shadowing opportunities, and other resources. Think about what my teaching style is.

Preparation, a checklist, and arriving early are foundations of successful classroom management. 

Modeling professionalism by being on time, well groomed, and having instructional content ready is key in being an effective instructor. Being prepped with knowledge of content being presented as well as classroom agendads for the day will keep the classroom engaged and on track,

Learning environment is key

Proper responses can make a positive impact on the class

I've learned proper preparation and professionalism is key

Be a model, lead by example and motivate! 

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