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be fair in grading and evaluating. keep grade book secure


I think constant feedback is key. convey intent, prepare students for structured activities as well as feedback sessions, and you will get the best outcome.

Getting students to learn implies attending to their different needs and interests, but at the same time leading to the goal of achieving the intended learning outcome of the course. Thus, after having seen how direct and indirect instruction, interactive and independent learning are developed, I find that the combination of these strategies strengthens and enriches the way in which the expected learning is acquired.

setup before class and be prepared shows respect, and organization. try to use different colors for handouts

I have learned various techniques that can be utilized to assist students with their learning experiences.  There are a variety of ways to make learning engaging, fun, and purposeful.

¿Responder el por qué logra encontrar nuevas preguntas?

¿Cómo detectar los vacíos de comprensión en la narración?

¿Puede distinguir entre ambiente relajado y actitud negligente?

Algunas veces los planes de estudio están interesados en cumplir una cantidad de temas. ¿Qué debemos prorizar?

Favorecer la comprensión integrando al estudiante en el flujo del conocimiento. No es cantidad de información sino calidad de aprendizaje,

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