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I like the ideas of collaborative learning groups (which I already use), journaling, learning logs, Catch Up. My supervisor is encouraging us to do things to help our students become more engaged.

I learned that more slides on a power point with fewer points will get a better Knowledge transfer.

I have facilitated a Mock Clinic that students seem to enjoy. I encourage improvisation and allowed one individual to be a difficult patient while experiencing an emergency. The students had to navigate how to navigate these situations while others kept the clinic flowing conducting patient care without missing a beat. This activity is one of the most requested in this group of students. I enjoy seeing them hone their skills in patient intake and finding confidence in applying the skills learned in class and lab. 

Organization and communication is key to successful instruction. 

It is beneficial for the students and I to navigate through the various ways to understand, teach, and learn the material collectively. I understand no one method will work for everyone, but trying a different approach will allow for students to stay curious enough to learn and become confident MAs or with any subject. 

Im new to teaching like, I just started   This training mod is great, accept that I can only answer a few of the questions, I know I now have great resources to lean on when I do start teaching and I do want to use the visualization technique

I look forward to having options available to try as I begin my teaching career

I can use my personality, knowledge, and expertise to enhance my teaching style. 

It is important to budget the time segments while teaching content and gauge the student's attention and engagement. If redirection is needed; then, change focus and activities to engage the students in another way. Also, giving additional resources to enhance learning will help students especially those who are struggling. 

As a visual learner, I ensure my content is engaging and allows me to tie in real world experiences to assist with my lecture or instruction. Its helpful to know the equipment and know what to do when the equipment isn't cooperating as a back up so the learning experience is not disrupted. 

Being prepared for class allows for you to present yourself as a trusted professional and allows for you and the students to have an engaging productive experience. 

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