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Action Plan

As a teacher in an adult correctional facility I am unsure as to how online learning will be implemented due to a lack of inmate access to technology. Furthermore I am aprehensive regarding conducting synchronous exchanges with students as their comments may be inappropriate. However, I believe that with a firm yet fair code of conduct students will utilize on-line learning to meet their academic goals. Initially, student attrition will be an issue as many of our students lack basic computer skills and may become discouraged or require a tremendous amount of support simply because they lack confidence within themselves and their capabilities to learn and master a new learning modality. 

My plan of action is simple: 

  • Master the CMS
  • Develop engaging differentiated coursework
  • Develop a system to track student grades, work, progress and communication exchanges
  • Perpare to help my students learn and become comfortable with online learning to the best of my abilities.
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