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Think of blogs as self-published mini articles. Share your experiences and challenges. Share your successful and failed strategies. Share your proven techniques and best practices. And don’t forget to solicit comments from your peers so we can all learn from the collective knowledge and expertise of our thriving community.

Great module

This course has presented a good deal of information that is vital in understanding students learning styles and adapting my method to meet students goal.


The courses I teach are how related to Electrical systems and repairs on motorcycles.  The challenges are the subject matter, which in most cases is not something physical to touch, and the resistance to allowing the topic to sink in and be retained.  The other issues are the students range from ages 17 to 70.  This creates a very challnging learning environment.  Watching the students and asking questions, seems to break the ice and get them more interested.  It is the fear of electrical in most cases.  Through time and repetition, the students do grasp the concepts and theorys.  It… >>>

Use of learning tools

I have learned that as an instructor, to maximize my effectiveness and to improve student successes with learning the material, I will do well to incorporate a learning assessment tool on each student. This would be done ideally prior to or at orientation into the program.  Do any of you have experience with the online assessment tools identified in this module?


Always give a 100% in the classroom this is what students deserve! 

ED 108

I learned so many new information on how the brain functions. I will use these foundational theories in creating new simulation scenarios and situations that will help students learn more, perform better skills and acquire the right attitudes as nursing students.

Very helpful

I learned a lot from this.


Can;t wait to use it in the classroom


More information on developing clinical judgemnet would be helpful


I know when i was in college so long ago, that I used to take class notes, rewrite them, and memorize by writing it over and over.  As an instructor I like to get certain things beat in the heads of the students by repitition, not writing it over and over, but doing the same problem just different words or number figures.  It seems to help even during the final testing I find that they will rewrite it in the way done in class.

How Memory works

It was very good discribtion how memory works.

experiential learning

By using repetitive "practice" - students recieve feedback from the tasks the perform. Learning how the physical world responds to their inputs (or lack of them) helps a vo-tech student get better at what is required of them. Using small groups can also be beneficial as the students help each other learn too.

Critical Thinking during lecture to enhance troubleshooting electrical and EFI circuits

As part of my introduction to electrical and electronic fuel injection troubleshooting all students are given explicit and implicit instruction in critical thinking in my courses. In my Introduction, students are taught explicitly about critical thinking by using the Paul-Elder framework of critical thinking to define and operationalize critical thinking. The instruction is followed by explicit critical thinking exercises. The critical thinking instruction in my courses are to prepare students to embrace more elaborate, discipline specific, critical thinking required of them in future courses and begins associating critical thinking with the practice and profession expected of  technicians. Critical thinking… >>>

Student succes

Clear the research subject for student make good teams with a leader of the team. Team work 

Adult Learning

The average classroom I teach is composed primarly of adult learners.   It is critical that the instructor be familiar with the needs of adult learners.  Too often, I have witnessed student and faculty dissatifcation of a course simply because the instructor was not willing to invest in continuing education courses to assist him/her in the needs of adult learners.

So much to learn!

With nursing especially being able to keep students from being bombarded by information is a challenge.


This is a great way to refresh teachers on being effective in the classroom. I would like the scenarios to include other healthcare professions, like dentistry. Several different detailed examples in the courses I have taken are not as easily adaptable to a dental scenario.

Learning Strategies

Effective strategies for tactile students, specially young students or students that has been on the workforce for a longtime. This course had great information based on the different needs of our learners.

Use of Review

I teash math in a career college and I make use of lesson review in the following way:

- I write on the board the topics that will be covered that class

- I continue to refer back to prior topics and how the progression was accomplished to the current topic

- I review at the end of class the topics covered in the class. This is done in only a few sentences so that the student can see the "top-down" lesson that was learned.

Just do as I say!!

I teach in a post secondary trade school. We get all types of students here. Ex military to students righ out of public school. Some of these students question authority, and have never been held responsible for any of their actions for any part of their lives. They can be quite a handful, but can also become a great student when given the support and proper encouragement. Discipline in the classroom can be an ongoing challenge especially when you have to deal with the "gang" mentality. Sometimes a sacrificial lamb is needed to correct unruly behaviour.


I seem to achieve success when I am able to teach diversly based on multiple types of learning styles.