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As a student is accepted or enrolled in your institution an initial contact of congratulations is a start to keep them drawn back to you. After they are enrolled, you have a financial aid meeting perhaps which gets them back in the building. After these initial contacts, engage them by inviting them to guest speaker meetings at your facility, or Upcoming Open houses where enrolled students can get to know one another. If you allow students to choose roommates perhaps this would be another way to engage them back at campus. Have a get together for all interested students to meet and find roommates on campus. Have a day in the life of your college students to generate excitement. All of these things can help to keep the excitement. Also sending them some type of cool mailer occasionally might be another way to let them know they are wanted. Most students don't want to be bothered, but they still have the desire to be wanted or recruited. It's a fine line, but some of the above methods may help. It really depends on the student. Another way would be to have an online chat, facebook, instagram, or other social media site that would engage them and keep them interacting with you. Good luck. I hope something here helps. 

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