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Hybrid Schools / Blended Learning Classes are an important part of education in today's society.  These classes offer flexability, unlike traditional schools. 

I have attended a Traditional School and Hybrid Schools / Blended Learning.  The Traditional School was great when I was a teenagers to young adult, but as the years past and I decided to go back to school, the Traditional Classes were NOT an option for me, having a career, wife, child, house, etc. I had to seek other options. Hybrid Schools / Blended Learning Classes gave me the oppotunity to not only go back to school, but it helped me get my Master's Degree and work at my own pace and time. I went to class two days a week, one for each class, and the rest was online. Hybrid Schools / Blended Learning Classes made getting a Master's Degree possible. 

I find, as a Dean, this is the case for 99% of my students in their continued education. My students wouldn't be able to attend school without it being Hybrid Schools / Blended Learning.  

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