This class was extremely informative for me as an instructor. It shed some light on a situation I am in currently with a student. I teach in a clinical setting and a student who I view as very promising and knowledgeable, wants to quit our program. She feels like she is not able to complete certain tasks that are required. In truth, she is behind on her requirements, but as her instructor I believe she has the skills to complete her requirements and even excel in the program. This can be very frustrating for instructors, as we all work with students who are not knowledgeable or have skills, to see the ones that do have the ability, not succeed. This issue would also link to motivation; at this point I think the only motivation for this particular student is extrinsic (getting a job). I think I will try to find more extrinsic motivators for this student in hopes she will develop intrinsic motivation to stay with the program.