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Focus on Students

It is common for students to lose focus in a classroom. Teachers often use redirection, telling students to "focus" and "pay attention," but this method of keeping students on task loses its effectiveness over time.

Use peer groups. Students love solving problems together, working together on activities and learning from one another. Pair students in groups of two or three and give them an assignment to complete. Be selective when pairing students. Pair advanced learners with students needing help, and diligent learners with lackadaisical students.
Make eye contact. Direct eye contact shows students that you are watching them, and students are likely to pay attention when you connect with them this way. Despite the size of your class, you can regularly lock eyes with most of your students. Pay special attention to students who lose focus easily.
Use technology. Using technology in classrooms excites students. Students embrace technology and show greater interest in classroom activities when teachers incorporate it. Use the Internet, interactive computer software, PowerPoint presentations to keep students excited and engaged.

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