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Students in most classes come from many diverse backgrounds, ages, and instructional/learning preferences. They know and understand how they were taught in the public school system and sometimes are accustomed to that style of learning or may be dissatisfied with their childhood learning experiences and expect a proprietary school to meet and/or exceed their expectations. Sometimes it is a difficult task for the instructor to take all of these different learning styles and preferences into consideration while still covering the core competencies of the course. In my experience as an instructor, I have found that sometimes sharing your life experiences and stories does help the students realize that you have been in their place and are capable of getting them through this transitional phase of uncertainty by telling them your successes as well as your challenges when you were in college. They really appreciate you making the classroom experience real for them so that they begin to believe that their goals and dreams are attainable, but they first must make that effort and your facilitation of the class objectives will then seem within their reach.

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