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Learning space

I believe that as instructors we know how important it is for our students to be comfortable in the learning space. It is no different than designing YOUR space at home, the office or wherever you want to feel comfortable and at ease with the world around you. I know instructors who spend thousands of dollars on creating their own sanctuary at home yet have the leanest starkest exisitance of a classroom. As much if not more thought and energy should be brought forward to the classroom inviting students into the learning sanctuary. Color, music, invigorating visuals all play a critical point in this method. My favorite tool is to write a daily quoate on the whiteboard based off of the previous days "feelings" about the class topic. It is always handwritten and it is something that is immediately noticed should I not create one, at which time I generate one about how the world perceives simple items... for example; We are all born with love, fear is what we learn. I find my students writing every quoate down no matter what it's direction is for we can all find relavance in what ever the saying is.

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