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Retention Success

A little over three years ago I was hired to start a new program with my present employer. I was a rather tall order due to the fact that it was a program to be deliver in Spanish. After countless hours of translation and reviews we finally implemented the new program. To my personal and professional pride today that program as a Hispanic that program has a retention rate of 86% even better than the overall institution retention rate.

We attribute that success to the fact that the instructors and I keep constant contact with all the students in the program. During the initial orientation I place great emphasis in the relationship between attendance and academic success. We also point out the need of staying in contact with the instructors at all times. The team of instructors works together to identify and assist the slower learning students. I do believe that the overall success of the program is due to the neat closeness that we are able to develop within the instructors and students. We always know the whereabouts of all our students and I also managed to know all of them by their first name.

Openness and availability are crucial in the success of a great program.


Good post to show retention is tied into relationship between the student and the instructor.

Based of the previous pos,t retention is a responsibility of the entire staff and faculty. It is important that we as an institution remain on one accord and that the communication betweeen the faculty and adminstration is consistant so that retention can remain a success.  Also I would just like to add as instructors it is importatnt to build rapport with each student because I believe that this will allow them to flourish academically as they transiton from course to course. 

I really believe that retention is the responsibility of the entire staff including maintainance and house keeping. It is important for instructors to bond with the students and for the students to trust the instructors. This course did help me by exposing me to different methods and stratedgies to help my students stay the course.

It is very important that the instructors be in one accord and work together to identify problem learns and assist students with remediation when necessary.

I am committed to do whats necessary to reach our student population and to have an open mind when dealing with their concerns.

Luis I believe you hit the nail on the head when you said "We attribute that success to the fact that the instructors and I keep constant contact with all the students in the program. During the initial orientation I place great emphasis in the relationship between attendance and academic success. We also point out the need of staying in contact with the instructors at all times." I can't emphasize this enough. We (as instructors) must interact and get to know our students. This is the key for retention in my opinion. Your thoughts?

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