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Traits of the 3 M's

Please discuss some traits you think would be valuable to Model, Mentor and Monitor to the students.

The traits of the 3M's are a vital and dynamic function in our school of thought. Our students come from backgrounds with dysfunction and turmoil. I suggest we make our schools safe place to learn, love and grow.
Modeling to students is a way to re-direct and giving them a visual of how to act on a situation rather than re- act. I have seen many facets of peoples' lives and the transformation that takes place when modeling is a way to live. Modeling is also a great waty to change the way a person believes life is.
Mentoring is a way to get others involved with a purpose. I strongly believe that if I did not have the mentors in my life helping me, I would never be in the place I am in now. I remeber all those people who made me who I am and I feel committed to pass those on to others.
Monitoring is one of my main parts of my job as well as everyone in our school. We need to have accountability with courtesy praise and lots of forgiving and love. So many of our students do not know how to survive in an educational setting other than with what skills they have. Working with students on how to have responsibility for the choices they make have a huge effect of retention.
With the growing number of today's students lacking solid character development, it is imperative that schools incorporate ongoing character education. Keep in mind the best character lessons are ones that blend naturally into your existing plans. There are endless ways to use literature, videos, music, quotations, news articles, and historical figures that embody the themes of strong character. Perhaps the simplest way to enhance your students' character development is to accentuate a character trait each month. Doing so optimizes students' chances of developing solid character they'll use not only now but for the rest of their lives. Above all, never forget your own impact on your students' character development. You do make a difference that will not only last for a career, but for a lifetime. Not only will this impact our students, but the lives those students touch. This is a way to break the cycle.What you do today will have a major effect on what happens to you in the future. Believe in what you do and most of all, have faith.

Hello Mr. Dagger,

Thank you so much for your comments on the traits of Modeling, Mentoring and Monitoring. It is clear that you understand how important it is to practice the 3 M's. I agree that it is very important to have accountability with courtesy, praise, forgiveness and love. You are in an essential role that can have an impact that could last a lifetime with a student. Well done.

I would also agree with you that we play an essential role in our student success. We should be available to meet and greet our students each day in the school and reassure them of the direction they are heading. We certainly do serve as a foundation and support system for many of our students and can make or break their success and happiness with the careers they have chosen. It is a wonderful part of our positions to be able to watch them grow as professionals by directing them in the right areas and reminding them who and what they can be each day. We can show them through our own chalenges and accomplishments that it can be done and they will also have a story to tell...their story. By monitoring, we can not only see how they are doing with professionalism, academics and attendance but use the information to help shape them to be the best they can be. We are very blessed to be in a business that grooms the professionals of the future and today and be able to make a difference in a life.

Hi Andrea,

Thank you for response. You are right, reassurance can be key in helping the students succeed. Letting them know they are capable of success is a gift that can be given by you or anyone else in your school.

There are many traits that are very important to Model, Mentor and Monitor in an academic environment. However, in my opinion, the following should be the foundation: Clear Vision, Positive Attitude,Communication, Team Work, Learning with Every Experience, and EQ.

Absolutely Rafael! I especially like that you included how important it is to learn with every experience. Even our mistakes are an opportunity for learning.

It's important to greet and welcome all students into the classroom everyday. This can cover all 3 M's in one moment. You are setting a Model for what any industry professional should adopt, a proper greeting. You are flexing your Mentoring skills by showing attention to the students. And lastly, you are Monitoring the students in a way. They should be greeting the instructor and faculty at each class as well. By seeing who is and is not following through on this, the insctructor is Monitoring what they Model and Mentor.

Great input Eric.

Modeling common courtesy is important for everyone working at the campus. A kind hello or a warm greeting can really make someone's day!

With the diverse backgrounds that our students come from, we find that one of the areas most lacking is respect. While treating the student with respect to gain respect, we are also modeling a feeling of self-respect. Through the showing of respect, we are also showing attention (mentoring). The way in which we monitor the practice of respect is to check to see if their newly gained respect carries over to other staff and students.

I like what you had to say about respect Ronald. Showing respect to the students and each other is clearly a very important quality to Model.

You are so right, modeling and mentoring RESPECT goes a long way. It is at the top of the list.

If you get a chance, log on to the free MaxKnowledge Best Practices Forum and see some of the threaded discussions others have posted.

From my experience(s) with students it is very important to model, mentor, and monitor accountability. When we are not accountable to our students and when we fail to mentor our students on their own accountability we create a perception that is easily mistaken for apathy or disorganization. When this perception occurs it is easy for students to exploit that and student success is diminished.

You are so right Chad. Accountability is a fairly easy concept to model. When teachers, staff and faculty are accountable, it is easy to see what is expected for the students.

This is an excellent response!

I feel that the traits that we need to model, mentor, and monitor need to go beyond the classroom. They should be traits that will also make them valuable employees such as being on time to class/work, having a positive attitude,loyality, fairness, ability to adapt to changes and deal with adversity. etc.



You are right on! Your school is a training ground for the Workplace. Traits like Dependability, Honesty and Good Attitude are at the top of the list and need to be modeled by every employee.

Our programs at The Pacific Institute cover these areas in great detail.


I believe that communicating with our students, as they do each other, in a light-hearted encouraging manner, is an integral part of the 3 M's. Approaching students with an “intelligent heart” and mind opens the door to continuous mentoring. They may need our help more times than others and giving them the feeling that the door knocks both ways will lead to their ultimate success.

Thank you for your input Andrew.

I agree. Sometimes a student just needs to know that someone cares enough to pay attention to them. Encouragement and support can play an essential role in helping students succeed.

The example from Florida, where each staff and faculty member paid extra attention to five students is very interesting, and a great idea! It seems to me that student retention requires quickly establishing a connection between the new student, his/her peers and the institution. There is a Modeling component with the students seeing (and feeling) the satisfaction from having someone showing interest in them, repeatedly. It certainly can lead to a Mentoring relationship with your group of 5 students. I think the area we struggle with most is with Monitoring. On the one hand we have been afraid that we will chase students way if we make their training too difficult, requiring too much from them, etc. But maybe by not doing that we are helping them to fail in the long run. Setting higher standards, providing the Modeling and Mentoring and then holding them accountable through proper Monitoring may in fact be in their best interest!

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