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How to deal with student issues.

Students have problems in there life most of the time so I try to help them with as much help as I can . If I feel like I can't help I will send them to my Director for further assistance.

I agree, I am an instructor and our students face daily challenges some more than others. The most important part that an instructor can do is be aware of their students and what is going on with them, and offer the services that are available. Most of the time here each of us instructors are able to help, but if not they are referred to the director or to their admissions counselors depending on their situation.

Melanie, do you let any of the administrators know that XX student is having issues (say at home)?

I find from an instructor point of view we don't understand why a student would act a certain way, but thing is if the behavior has changed we need to catch them then, now from a student service point of view it hits me when it almost to late for me to do anything what do i do?

The school environment is a dynamic one. Every one must be vigilant all the time. Ideally, you will be willing and able to react to a student's needs when you notice a dramatic change in behavior. Also, remember that there are other resources available at your school; you don't have to do everything yourself.

Depending on the student issue determines how I will work with the student problem. If the problem involves an instructor, I will meet with both instructor and student for resolution. If it's a personal issue, I become a great listner and never judge a student regardless of the circumstances. Sometimes, I will give an example of a situation that is similar to the issue being discussed and we work together in the plan of action to resolve the problem.

I try to show them how to deal with there problems.

Sometimes having someone just to listen to problems is all a student needs. Most of us as instructors have already nbeen there and done that. A little of life advise can go a long way. Thankfully the campus I work for has a student service department I am confident can handle any problems that require more than just simple life advise.

I agree that a sounding board is sometimes all the student really needs. I also feel that as former professionals in the students field of choice, we have more in common with them than, say, a counselor in an office somewhere. Advice from an instructor that the student looks up to may have greater impact than advice from others.

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