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Helping Struggling student

I believe that student needs to be challenged especially when it deal with healthcare issues. I can only think in terms of a student caring for one of my small children. They have to work at accomplishing all task assigned. They must be driven to be successful in order to provide life saving healthcare to all desiring family memember. So how do I motivate this student population to be disciplined and discard all of the past negative situation that builds on there stressors. As the lesson states it starts with the instructor, school and other faculty staff. But we have to have a willingness to speak to the heart of students. That is my new goal to appeal to the soul.


I believe that the right support system can get you through the most difficult of times. The way a student views themself or their situation has a tremendous impact on their success. Encouragement can change the outlook one has of themself and their future. Knowing that someone wants to see you succeed and also requires a certain standard from you can raise the bar in how a student conducts themselves. If they know that their Educators is not going to except mediocre work and is always pushing them to aim higher as well as always there to give assistance that student will strive to due better not to let them down. Sometimes they need to know that they are worthy, special and that someone exspects greatness from them.

Yo are right on target. I have been teaching for 30+years. I have always demanded more than jutst the average effort and output. I have been available even on weekends to facilitate this happening

You have to be one with the student take the time to lisen to the problems and if asked to offer a calming solution be the problem solver because at this point the student needs serious help to get on track and knowing they have you on thier side means they are not alone.

It is so important to relate with your students especially one that is having problems. Some of them don't have any support from home, when I approach a student that seems stressed out, they usually break down and tell me lots of information about their situation. It may be money, transportation, or study habits. Our school helps where we can. But sometimes just listening is enough.

When we take time to listen, we learn some incredible stories of perseverance and courage. For many these stories are a source of inspiration.

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