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People who don't fit are a challenge. Trying to force a fit can be disastrous for the individual and the group. Usuallly after a few rebukes, faculty and staff learn to simply keep their distance.

How do you train your faculty to identify these people and what action is taken, by whom?

I am stuggling with this one myself. At the end of every faculty meeting that I have, I ask if their are any problems that I need to address. I specifically ask about grades, attendance, spats with other students, etc. I take the names down and then make a point of reaching out to these students. I try to address each specific concern without making them feel as if I am being too critical or preachy, just concerned.

When I was still involved on campus, we developed a web based system [Campus ToolKit] that was designed to allow students to connect with a point of contact on campus anytime they had access to the web. It seems that this generation of students is far more comfortable initiating a 'conversation' using the computer that they are face-to-face.

The literature about retention talks at great length about the importance of students connecting with someone. This tool seemed to make that connection possible for many students, particularly the disenfranchised.

I have a student now who wants to drop the program. So I ask why , he said due to an accedent he was involved in he might not be able to afford insurance and school , so i directed him to student services to see what his options are.

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