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Grads without HS Diploma/GED

Any suggestions on how to better place students who have not graduated from high school?

HI Daniel, Our first thought about your question is what is your admissions policy? If you accept those without a high school diploma or GEd, do you have some kind of admissions test? Also, does the training program require having a high school diploma or GED to get a job? If yes, the student should be advised that they may not get employment or you should not accept them. So lots of questions prior to being able to answer your question. Thanks, Susan

I have grads at my campus w/ no HS or GED. We give an entrance exam that is similar to a GED and I “sell” that exam to employers. Honestly, the question does not come up often w/ employers. Graduating from a proprietary school normally overrides any previous non completion of education. They are educated in their field of study (upon graduation) and have had hands on learning. You can't ask for then that as an employer. I also do not have them put their HS information on a resume. It is not necessary. If you just finished school w/ your Bachelors you would not put HS on your resume. I hope that helped a little…maybe I am fortunate that it is not an issue for us.
Gina C.
Director of Career Services/Extern Coordinator
San Antonio, TX

Great tips, Gina. You just have to be sure that a high school diploma/GED is not required to work in the field for which you are training. Which I'm sure you know. What test do you use, by the way? Thanks, Susan

We use the ATB test. (Ability To Benefit also known as a CPAt) The ATB must e given by a qualified proctor and cannot be given by a staff member. We have MA, LT and Electrician so we do not need them to be graduates. Our graduates/GED students take a WONDERLIC exam.

Thanks for the info. Those are the tests we recommend as well. Susan

Hi Daniel,

We also use an ATB (Ability to Benefit)exam called Wonderlic. We offer our students listings of all local GED testing centers and offer to pay for the exam if the student takes the exam while enrolled. We also offer sample GED tests in our library resource center. Placement officers can also assist in developing certain life skills thru job search training that some ATB students may lack. Obtaining a GED and learning these skills can certainly make the student more marketable.

Hi James, We've heard good things about Wonderlic. Glad it works for your school. Very interesting idea about motivating/assisting students to get their GED. You don't have to handle the details but do provide the opportunity for them to study. The life skills lessons are so important. We think they should be required. Thanks, Susan

We also give the ATB test along with tutoring and the push to obtain their GED because it is very difficult to place a student without it. I have found that most employers do not ask about their HS diploma or GED because they assume if they received a degree, they must have it.

Hi Andrea, Always a challenge when a student doesn't have or can't produce a high school diploma or GED. In these cases most regulatory boards require ATB tests. Passing the test helps ensure you that the student has the ability to successfully complete the course work. It is true that usually an employer will look for the highest degree or the diploma that indicates the person has passed the program. Thanks, Susan

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