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Placement/Student Services Dept.

Hi Susan,
Some career schools we have spoken with have placement modules as a distinct curriculum component. We would need to extend our programs to include additional placement related instruction, unless we added it as an optional class. Yet, I wonder if the students who most need this placement related training will indeed take an additional class if it isn't required.
Thanks, Karl

Hi Karl
You have made great points. The strategy is to make placement "training" a goal and reward rather than a have to. You can do this by allowing students to use the placement department or attend workshops only when they have finished a certain amount of course work or attained a certain grade. Of course you cannot eliminate students from access placement services. Also making the class a requirement is what many schools do. The goal is to get students successfully placed. It will impact on your enrollment, retention, and of course placement.

Many of our students add that service as an additional course, we have lifetime resume service, a big selling point.
Barbara Jobin

Hi Barbara

Yes, lifetime resume service is a big selling point. It keeps alumni returning to your school. They might want to enroll in continuing ed or learn about new programs to recommend to their friends and relatives.
Best wishes

We have a lifetime placement assistance and we do get some of the old students back for also help us to keep track of past graduates.....MBJ

Hi Mary

Great ideas. You might want to develop an alumni association and send monthly information to each grad. It keeps them in touch with your school and you have a better chance of keeping track of their addresses.
Best wishes

Or school has a placement module and it seems to work really well. The students get a grade for it and know they must pass it to get their certificate of completions. Thanks Freda

Hi Freda Great idea to require that students take a placement module. Can you share the topics that you cover, how long the module is, and most important - the results. Thanks, Susan

Adding a class is not as difficult as it may seem. We just added a 40 hour career develoment class to our curriculum and with a little creativity and teamwork between career services and education it went smooth. Things you need to consider are course length compared to program length and what kind of communication that requires with you regulatory bodies. Our changes were not substantive therefore we only had to submit a letter informing our state and accreditation agencies. It will not work with out a buy in from both education and career services but it is worth the effort.

Our college offers a caree focus class and it is required for all majors, it is worth 2 credits. It is a great seller becuase the students know that they will graduate with a completed cover letter and resume. They also work on interviewing skills and we have professionals from the industry come in and conduct mock interviews.

Hi Hildie
The required career course sounds like a great idea. And it sounds like word has travelled that it is a worthwhile course.
Best wishes

Thanks--it is a very usefull course and it gets the students working with the placement department before graduation.

Hi Hildie
That's the goal. Integrate placement awareness into the students environment as soon as possible.

I do job placement. We also have a required exit class called Business Communications. I teach part of that class. So, what I don't teach on a one-on-one basis, I teach in the class. I am currently into my 2 semester teaching this and it has been a great opportunity to expound upon what's most important. The resume, cover letter, interviewing, thank-you letters and job retention. Another teacher focuses on the student's demo reel and the software Dream Weaver for developing his or her website that is linked to our website. Their site will include the resume, general cover letter, and demo reel. Perfect! Otherwise, they don't do these things properly.

Thanks Teresa. The basic employment skills are vital. We also find that teaching salary negotiation is useful. And job retention and advancement skills.
Best wishes

Our college also provides a Career Focus class and we feel it is vital for the graduate to be to really particiate in these classes. You will have that 1 student who complains about it and thinks it is a waste of time but when they make it to the Placement office they realize how much they have learned and how important the class really is. The class really prepares them for their visit to the Placement Office and it backs up what we as Career Counselors stress to them about professionalism and confidence in themselves as well as their job search. You would be surprised how many students would take it even if it was not part of their curriculm.

Hi Candace

We always recommend a required Career or Employment Skills class. It is true, students are at various levels when they enter. So why not have projects that can be completed at the student's individual pace. The really prepared student can go through quickly and complete more advanced projects such as negotiating salary, etc. Everyone has a minimum of basic projects that must be completed. So there should be no complainers.
Best wishes

Our longterm courses have a resume writing and job search component within their curriculm. It's a great place to start when the students reach the placement office. I would highly recommend the concept.

Hi Jacquelyn
What's in the resume writing and job search courses? Any way to turn them into workshops that students can also attend? What about self study workbooks and study halls with other students or grads available to help those who need some extra handholding?

I love the Lifetime Resume Support idea. Perfect from a PR and sales standpoint. It will also help the employers locate students with past experience. This way, schools have experienced and inexperienced students to place. More credibility in the Placement Department is a win-win for everyone involved.

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