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Additional tools for students with barriers for employment?

Hi Susan,

Any additional tools for students who lack the skills to become employable. In the workforce development system, we have some students with several barriers to find employment. Thanks.

Good questions, Pablo. Actually all students need the same career services assistance. Specifically employment knowledge and skills PLUS confidence. All this takes development over time and one-on-one counseling to determine each student's special needs and deal with what they are missing. Also lots of practice in the skills. Bottom line - skills, knowledge, confidence. Coaching is the best solution. Thanks, Susan

I think some coaching and maybe rehearsing for the interview is definitely necessary for those who are not so confident and that lack the skills to suceed on an interview.

Hi Elio
The reality is that no one is confident to go through the interview process. And we doubt that any of your grads have the job search skills needed. That is why we suggest you start career service coaching on day 1. And keep it at. Require students to complete workshops and assignments you offer. Career service needs to be available to students throughout their career and not just on graduation day. Good luck, Susan

Hi Susan,

Our students already have Career Development training in month two of our 8 month program, so all of them are taught how to make resumes, act in interviews, make websites, business cards, several assignments. But their are some stragglers that need an extra push or help, what services/coaching techniques should we offer additionally to help them with gaining employment, besides resume review?

It's great that you start employment skills training early on. But we think that this kind of training should be ongoing and required. Perhaps that would help with the stragglers. Suggest you ask your grads what they would have liked to help them with their job search. They will have lots of ideas. You might want to use them to build employment skills training. And also ask your Alumni to return to school and work with students on their job searches. Thanks, Susan

Any advice for the student that is returning to society after serving jail/prison time?

How does this student answer the questions that will arise while completing the job application or at the interview so that the response is honest and still gives the student a chance to be hired?

Hmmm. That is a challenge. Hope you don't have a lot of students straight from prison. They need more help than just job training. There are adjustments in values, work ethics, and more needed and we think beyond the scope of a career school career services department. As to job interviews, the first thing we would do is check the career. Are there any limitations or prohibitions for people with a prison record? If yes, you need a serious talk with the school owner and admissions department. If you are accepting felons we suggest you get professional assistance and locate resources for them. Again, in our opinion, simply training them will not solve their many problems. If they don't get employment that will be a problem for the school and certainly not fair to the student. Good luck, Susan

Dr. Susan Schulz

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