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Good points. Admissions representatives have important roles. They need to be sure there is a match between applicant and the training offered. Admissions reps need to be convinced that the applicant is ready to work in the field trained for. Alumni show your school from the student's perspective. That is essential. Alumni can talk first hand about life on the job and how training is applied. Alumni can be proof of your success. In the career school space what is valued is not monetary contributions from Alumni. What is greatly valued are involvement, testimonials, and endorsements. Thanks, Susan

Dr. Susan Schulz

The department positively impacts admissions through good statistics and referrals,education through positive attrition numbers, and financial aid through an improved default pay back rate.

We agree. Career services departments do make a difference in admissions. In fact, we recommend that both departments sit together. Prospective students really want to know about jobs. When interviewing they typically want to hear placement statistics and the kind of assistance they will get during the job search. Great career service offerings also help to keep students in school and get to graduation. It increases student satisfaction too. Thanks, Susan

Dr. Susan Schulz

We are not only fortunate, it is the right thing to do for students. As a licensed institution, it is also vital that we can show that we are providing these vital services to students. Students make an investment in their education for the sole purpose of changing their professional circumstances, and more times than not, their socio-economical circumstances. I avail myself at all times to students. I do not have an appointment policy because sometimes, that deters students from stopping in. I just always want the opportunity to have conversations with students so that I can be a constant reminder about the importance and role of my department.

I do not advertise at my school. All of our enrollments come from word of mouth. Granted, I am a small school, but when almost 100 percent of enrollments come from when one student attends and then she brings in her sister, her neighbor, her friend. That says a great deal. I have had administrators in doctors offices become a student in my school because my students walk through their doors with my qualifications than they currently have, such as certifications.

It sounds perfect, Marion. We also know of schools that rely 100% on word of mouth. That is a testimony to the kind of training and student services you provide. Given all this it is important to plan to benefit from this reputation in addition to enrolling students. Testimonials are important. They can be used as marketing to continue referral enrollments. They can be evaluated to see what you are doing right and the trends observed. There might be a day when referrals don't produce as effectively as now. You might want to offer new programs and target a new market. It is always good to prepare. Thanks

Dr. Susan Schulz

This all sounds like great practices. We also believe that it is obligation of the school to provide any and all services so that the student is successful and locates the best job for which trained for. Many students don't realize that their tuition pays for training plus student services and job assistance. Any open door policy helps even the shyest or busiest student make time to seek assistance. Thanks for sharing what works for you and your successes. Susan

Dr. Susan Schulz

The Placement department specifically and positively impacts other departments by motivating students offering on site job fairs, resume building, interview skills practice, etc and also help with retention by providing Guest motivational speakers. Now, by providing good placements statics and being efficient will structure the school to be THE place to go and have to local employers look to the school as a source for staffing which is the goal for all Placement department.

These are very good points. The reality is that a great Career Services Department impacts on enrollment, retention, placement, and brand within the community. Students are more likely to enroll when they know that your graduates get jobs and a lot of assistance from Career Services. Students are likely to stay in school and graduate because they are confident they will learn the skills needed on the job and that employers trust your school as a training institution. When you stay in touch with employers you know about the job openings first and the kind of trained employees they are seeking. It all has a positive impact on your school. Thanks, Susan

Dr. Susan Schulz

The Placement Department impact in a good way to others Departments in our school, for example the Admission Department, because if a graduate is happy and has a good opinion of our school they can refer another students.

Good point. It is true that a great Career Services Department impacts enrollment, retention, and placement as well as school brand. The Career Services Department collects data about placement success, where grads work, salary, and more. With verifiable data admissions will be very informed as they discuss job opportunities with prospective students. Referrals are great too. Thanks, Susan

Dr. Susan Schulz

The Placement Department critically impacts admissions, retention and graduation. Students serve as clients of educational programs, with intent to develop productive career goals at the undergraduate level and augment them at the graduate level.

Successful placement positively correlates to the value of the program in providing the education and developing the skills essential to being hired. This will be assessed by potential students as a benefit when considering enrollment, as well as continuing students to complete the program.

There is positive value with high placement from all points from attracting admissions to retention to graduation.

Wow. This is so well said. Placement and Career services are so important to every school. That's why we feel that Career Services staff should be involved in the admissions process. It gets the new student to focus on getting a job from the start. Every experience the student has should be awareness and preparation for the job search process. It often takes as long as the training. Thanks, Susan

Dr. Susan Schulz

The Placement Department directly affects everywhere here because we are a vocational and independent living skills program for students with disabilities. They enroll in our program to develop interview and workplace skills in addition to studying for/taking industry specific certifications to give them a competitive edge. Students come to our program to solely build on these skills. Our entire program is based on the outcome of the Placement Department by looking at the number of students that are in internships and/or paid employment.

We are a non-profit organization that benefits greatly from grant funding and private donations so being able to report that our program has success placing our students makes a very big impact on the quantity and quality of our services.

Very good points Amanada. We totally agree that the Placement/Career Services Department is key to school and student success. All students in career schools enroll with the expectation of being 100% prepared to successfully seek employment. That means that almost as much time should be spent on employment skills training as training time in the career. Internships and paid supervised employment is essential to produce a work-ready graduate. The practical experience helps the student gain skills, familiarity with a real workplace, and the confidence for the job search. To seek funding,to meet regulatory requirements, and satisfy student expectations it is all about the job placement numbers. Thanks, Susan

Dr. Susan Schulz

The placement for the individual programs definitely has an impact on enrollments so there is a connection between Placement and Admissions. A strong program usually will have a high placement rate which is a good selling point to a student who is trying to decide on what program in which to enroll.

Of course placing students has a direct impact on th Financial Aid Dept as having employed grads makes their job a bit easier. I think when grads do find meaningful employment within their field that they are more likely to feel obligated to pay back the financial aid since they did obtain a job that they wanted. Employment in itself isn't always enough, but rather that the grad is employed in field. These are the "happy customers" who stay in touch and pay their loans.

At our school we have a Professional Resource Development class in which the Placement Dept. participates. We supply a lot of information and job search tools directly to the students. We also do coaching with the students so we are a part of the academic department in that we are working closely with both the instructors and students to get them placement within their field.

Placement is integral to the overall success of the school. Accreditation is contingent on the outcome of placement for each program. If you look at it this way, Career Services/Placement Dept. is having an impact on every aspect of the school's operation.

We also agree that there is a direct relationship between Admissions and Placement. In fact we think the offices should be together! If not a prospective student should definitely spend time with career services staff when interviewing. Placement numbers certainly do tell the story about your school and student success. Interesting point about willingness to pay back loans when employed. There are lots of reasons. You point to the fact that grads feel they got their money's worth. Very good point. Yes, our students have to be happy customers! It sounds like students at your school spend a lot of time on the employment skills training process and get a lot of resources. We also believe that faculty and staff must all do their parts to be sure the students have an employment state of mind. It happens in the classroom and the "hallways." We totally agree that a great career services department usually means a great school. Thanks, Susan

Dr. Susan Schulz

Admissions - leads to higher enrollment rates when the prospective student learns about career services successful placements.

Teaching - The instructors can refer to the recent graduating class and tell stories of successful placements to reinforce motivate student participation and attendance.

Career Services - can impact student morale by achieving high placement rates in positions that are interesting and pay well for the graduates.

We also believe that great placement rates and career services enhances admissions and enrollment. Students go to school for a job. They want to know about all the help they will get as a student. Great placement rates also impact retention. Students see they it is likely they will get a job and succeed. All they have to do is be sure they successfully complete every course. People feel good when they know they can accomplish the goal - getting great employment. Thanks, Susan

Dr. Susan Schulz

if there is a conjunction between the two departments the impact will be of great importance

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