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I believe the most important thing is to be honest with your student when discussing job opportunities and their career outlook. Students with the right mindset and expectations not only tend to accomplish more, but they also tend to have a more positive opinion of your school.

That's true Nathan. But our job is to service every student. This is a reason we think it is important to customize the job search strategy for each student. Some need a lot of skills and others need a great deal of work on their motivation and self confidence. This takes classes, workshops, practice, feedback, and lots of handholding. You might build a career services program with a variety of required projects designed to the most needy and those starting out with no mindset. Thanks, Susan


Good point. The honesty may have to focus on the student's ability and preparedness to get into the job search mode. And the customizing of a plan to assist the student in skill development and self confidence building. The grad will get a job with the right tools and mindset. Thanks, Susan

Dr. Susan Schulz

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