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Sounds great Shirley. Are you conducting surveys to get student feedback, measure retention, placement, job retention, and more? These stats and info could be helpful to your entire school. Let everyone know the results of their efforts. Best wishes, Susan

I agree, our Placement Director speaks with students at orientations. It's also helpfull to start to get to know students and build a relationship with them. You can also get great ideas from them and their questions.

Hi Yahaira
Great point. It's vital to build a relationship with each student. Instructors can usually do a great job of bonding with the student since they see students every day. But there needs to be a way for students to feel comfortable with other resources at the school. So placement staff needs to plan on ways to interact with students regularly.
Best wishes

Placement is certainly discussed during the Admissions meeting and tour before enrollment occurs. Later, Placement takes part in the Orientation on Day 1. We also meet with the students halfway through the first part of their program to review the options available to them through the Placement Office including resume prep, interviewing skills, registration onto the career website where all job openings are listed. Periodically we stop in at Assembly to keep Placement uppermost in students' minds. We also meet with each student before graduation to assist with their employment search and in any other way we can help.

Wow Annmarie. You are most certainly keeping employment in the minds of every student. It's important as it is a way for students to check out that the job they are training for is really what they want. They can also learn employment skills training on a gradual basis rather than all at once. Helps to keep fears in check. Very impressive. Best wishes, Susan

I think it is a great idea to have the Career Placement dept. be apart of the orientation. It not only lets the students become familiar with the dept., but it also lets students know the purpose of Career Placement. After all we are trying to make this the best possible experience for our students!

Hi Lindsey
Well said. Actually we believe that the placement department should be present in students' lives throughout their school experience. Thinking about getting job starts on the first day of class. Best wishes, Susan

I posted jobs on a bulletin board and told students they would be able to get jobs like that when they completed their course work! This generated a lot of excitement and interest.

Good idea to show the reward early on in the student's course work -- a great job! Getting grads to talk about their jobs and success also gets similar results. And you can also get employers in to talk about what their employees do at their companies, how much they get paid, and how they can advance. Get students thinking about job retention and success. Thanks, Susan

The placement department is crucial for the student body. Every student should be aware of the placement department since it will help them acheive their career goals. Having the placement department do a presentation during orientation is a great tool for both the students and the departmen.

We think that the placement department should sit in the same offices as admissions. Applicants visiting the school should have a chance to speak with the placement department to learn about the job search process and the help your school provides. Most students go to career schools for he job. That's the reality. Thanks, Susan

Good points Dania. We think that the placement department needs to be in the lives of students on a daily basis. That's a challenge but it is fun to plan on the many many ways that can be done such as required projects, employer visits, visits from Alumni, and more. Susan

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