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Compliance and FERPA

I taught at public  non-profit universities and have never been invovled with recruitment or finanical aide regulations. It has been interesting for me to see that side of regulatory requirments. The subject matter most familiar to me was the FERPA requirements. I have had multiple opportunities to reflect on FERPA as a faculty member. There have been ninstances (believe it or not) when parents, boyfriends, spouses have appeared at my office door requeting/demanding to see a student's grades or receive information about a student's performance. It has been very nice to fall back on the law, both as a guide for me, and an explanation to the person requesting information.

@kaleen : These are so important.  We all want to be the "good guy or gal" when it comes to giving information to people who have the best interest of the student in mind.  However, we just can't do it with having the FERPA completed to disclose the information.  It's often a shame when a parent is paying for the education, and the student chooses not to allow the FERPA. :(  Talk about a mess to overcome!

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