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Ongoing Training

I firmly believe that ongoing training is critical, no matter what your career field. Especially in this day and age of computer technology, social media, and hand-held devices like smartphones that allow us to access information instantaneously. As technology evolves, so do we--in every sense--mentally, perhaps spiritually, physically--and as we evolve as individuals, as a society, as a world, our career fields evolve and change as well. Therefore, in order to stay up-to-date and compliant with regulations, it's crucial that we take the time to learn the new rules and regs, procedures, and other components that help us stay present in our career. I feel this is especially important for those of us interacting in any way (instructing, counseling, admitting, etc.) with people enrolled in an institution of higher learning. Those students have entered our institution with a dream and by working there we have said, "follow me and I will lead you to your dream." The only way to lead students in the right direction is by having current information to teach them. I've only been a Delta employee for a few weeks, but one of the things that I already admire about the organization is their dedication to the ongoing learning of their employees. They have devised a program that is well-organized and flexible and accessible to all employees to help them learn as new employees and/or help seasoned employees remain up-to-date.

Someone else had commented that we are always growing and learning, and I must state that I agree. And how fortunate are we who get to work in at an institution of higher learning where we are encouraged to think critically, think higher, and challenge not only our students, but ourselves. There is a quote that I learned from one of my graduate professors that I have held onto and continue to think of almost daily. The quote is, "Without conflict, there is no growth." And this is true in so many realms. Often, it is an internal conflict--a challenge that one must figure out how to overcome. And when that conflict is resolved, it is amazing to realize how far you have come and exciting to think about where you are going.

With all of that said, I appreciate the ongoing learning activities that Delta provides and I look forward to participating in some that are of even more pertinence to my position in instructing students in the classroom. Keep challenging yourself and learning!

Kelly loved your comment, so nice to see fresh eyes see the great opportunities we all have here at Delta.  It is easy to take for granted our continued education.  Thanks for sharing that quote I will rely on that in difficult times as well.

Great wrrite up Kelly. I also like that comment alot and will use it as i continue into the future as a Delta employee.

Hi Kelly!

It is good to hear so much enthusiam. It is good to love one's work. I truly like your quote, "Without conflict, there is no growth."  I tell my students all the time that I believe the "successful" people in this world are the ones that constantly overcome all the obstacles that continually pop-up. I suppose that is why degrees are so valuable. Employers know that the people with degrees are the ones that can stick to their education (almost anything) and can overcome obstacles. They just keep on popping up don't they? Persistance and the ability to create ways to accomplish goals are valuable skills. Education trains a person in these skillsets. Lifetime learning is essential.


Wow well stated Kelly, our constant learning in the field promotes growth; which is essential for the production of the company.

On-going training is a must in a large corp.  It keeps the staff up to date and on the same page. (which is difficult to do in a large company).  I also feel it helps to promote growth and exchange of new ideas. Shadowing other staff for a day in different departments is also an eye opener and a valuable tool to encourage positive communication between the dept.'s.

Kelly, that was a great write up. Technology has increased the scrutiny on organization. Therefore it is imperrative that organization increase their inhouse compliance around policies etc.

It is very important to continuing to learn. As humans we do not know everything. Everyday for me is a learning experience. I learn a lot from our students as well as fellow co-workers. I firmly believe the more knowledge we obtain the more personal growth we will have not only for ourselves, but our students as well.

I was inspired by Kelly's dedication and passion. She hit it right on with the values and importance of life as a continued developmental journey. As related to Steven Covey's 7 habite, we should '' sharpen our saws spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and physically." We benefit as do our students, we are preparing them for careers and life.


Dave Machamer



I would like to see the course lean towards students careers than about recruiting. I understand that this course is very important to know and understand but I would love to see something more in the line of how we should help active students.

Ongoing training is key towards remaining current with the the compliance and ethical standards. Being able to keep abreat on these standard allow for competitive advantages to be created!

As a newer instructor, I now see why it is so important to know the 'roles' of other departments.  Students are always approaching me about financial aid, other schools, etc.  Instead of telling them I don't know off hand, I am getting critical information that helps me give them the correct answer on the spot.  Truthful information helps build their confidence in us.  Albeit long, I enjoy the ongoing training.

I also believe that ongoing training is crucial - It is good to listen to new ideas and ways to approach the students during the time you have them. Keeps the instructor from being in a rut about classroom instructions



An aspect of training that has helped in my personal journey is learning what other faculty members do for my school. Just like Sara's comment above, knowing the names and jobs of those not in my department  has been very helpful and empowering. Everyone has a role and part to play at my job and the more I understand other faculty members and their job, the more I understand where I fit in the big picture. I have also invited other faculty members to guest speak in my class, and this aids in my understanding, as well as the student's understanding of the faculty. I think this form of personal training is undervalued and overlooked, but is a great way to continue our education as instructors.

Greetings Patricia (Patty) C:  Understanding the roles of collegues contributes to the bigger picture of student and educator success.  Although at first the roles may appear distinct, one soon realizes the roles are intertwined.  When you discussed faculty memebers who are also guest speakers- the students begin to realize and value like goals, cooperation/teamwork of on-the-job tasks, and the gained knowledge begins to make better sense to the learners (both students and instructors).  As well, the instructors also begin to realize that individual "career domains" (as I like to refer to them) need support from each other and cannot operate effectively in isolation.  The days of "my department" is an antiquated belief.  I am glad to hear that collaboration between departments is occurring because our individual educational values should continue to evolve in order to avoid stagnation and boredome within each department.  I enjoyed your post!

Patricia,  I appreciate your post.  It is important to get to know ALL staff members no matter what their job.  All jobs are important to make the school run smoothly.  There are still some faculty that couldn't tell you who they are or what they do and aren't interested.  Just wanted to say good post


John I like your post, although I find that on goin education is very valuble and had I not been fortunate enough to have gotten the education, I would not have been prepared for my present position.

If you need to stay on top of your field, you'll always need ongong training. In this era, technolog changes a lot, and the best wya to keep up with it is to update or upgrade yourself from time to time. Someone who is not willng to do that will not be competitive in the market in which he/she is working.

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