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Excellent Customer Service

Describe the best methods of excellent customer service. Then explain why you feel that these methods are the best.

I once worked at a large technical college which had significant customer service issues. The President hired a firm to aleviate the problem. The first question asked of 18 employees was "Who has excellent customer service skills?" To my amazement all of the employees raised their hands.

I learned a valuable lesson. Everyone has their own idea of what customer service is based on their personal beliefs. If you can not be an active listener and approach the issue(s) from a neutral position, you can not have "customer service".

I agree with you James. It is also important to treat these students as valued customers. There is a lot of competition, and students can choose from any number of both on-campus and on-line schools. It is important at our college, that we make every student feel important, show our appreciation to them for choosing to further their education here, and come up with innovative and creative workshops and programs to utilize their skills they learn here. Keeping up with current market trends and making our students stand out in the community is the customer service they deserve from us.

Excellent customer service starts with listening to the client and showing genuine interest in addressing their concerns. The key is to work with the client and not get defensive or come from an approach where you are trying to go against their best interests.

- Kyle


I agree, listening is key to all effective communication, without the ability to listen effectively messages are easily misunderstood – communication breaks down and the sender of the message can easily become frustrated or irritated.

Cindy Bryant

Active listening, a professional and pleasant attitude, an open mind, and the desire to provide a good outcome for our students and our school, are elements of excellent customer service.

Active listening is important as we are better able to understand the issues and the students are assured that we are taking their concerns seriously. A professional and pleasant attitude helps to keep things in perspective and minimize conflict. An open mind, allows us to actively listen without passing judgement or going on the defensive. And the desire to secure a good outcome for the students and the school positively promotes the schools image and may maximize student retention.

Start out by building a trusting relationship by being honest and open from the beginning. Always set a good professional example and choose a good attitude. All communications are leaving an impression, and if the impression is not a good one, it could lead to complaints and/or negativity.

If there is a complaint, meet with the complainant as soon as possible. Make sure they know you are listening to them. One good way is to summarize their statements at the end by starting with "As I understand, you feel ...". This will give them the opportunity to realize you were listening and to "correct" if necessary. Knowing they have been heard and their complaint is understood is a big step in calming their emotions.

Let them know that you will get back to them. Then, after you have researched the issue, meet with them again to review the results. Your help, interest and courtesy will enforce that they are a valued customer.


Thank you for joining the forum and sharing your thoughts on excellent customer service. Bravo!

Cindy Bryant

I agree.. Everyone has their perception of what good customer service is. For me good customer service demands that we are sensitive to students time and needs. We cannot make students wait long hours. It is important that they are seen quickly. Second, it is important that we greet students with a smile and if possible by their name. Students want to feel that they are not just a number. Third, it is important to listen attentively and to treat students with respect. Even if the student is angry, it is our responsibility to deescalate situations and treat them with compassion and honesty.

As Campus Director I will make it a point to constantly remind my team that we need to surpass our student expectations as far as customer service. It is not just providing good customer service.

To me an essential part of excellent customer service is providing accurate information. From my own experience as a customer I know how frustrating it is to receive incorrect information, to act on it and then to find out that the information provided was incomplete or incorrect. So I would definitely add accuracy of information provided to active listening, good attitude and promptness of resolution as being important.

The way I have been taught over the years is to address the issue/problem with the student and all that is involved. talk with each person involved privately and gather information. After this is complete take any action if needed with our school employee and then inform student of our decision and what we did to correct issue.


I was glad to see that you mentioned that you should address the student privately. When addressing students in a group problems may escalate.

Cindy Bryant


I like your statement. Exceeding expectations in a world where many times expectations are never met means so much. I am sure that your faculty and staff appreciate your leadership.

Cindy Bryant


Let's focus on 'good attitude' for a moment. A positive attitude leads to an effective workplace which encourages employees to become involved in college's success. Employees invite career development so that they may be part of future company projects. A negative attitude leads to turnover and a loss of experienced staff members, which degrades the college's ability to grow. This trickles down into your college's ability to retain students.

Cindy Bryant

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