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My role

Our role will always be to provide information and allow students to make an informed decision.

Agreed. That is all we can do.

Dr. Jane Jarrow

My role and goal has always been to help EACH student to obtain the information, skills, the desire and each one has the ability regardless of their 'disability'. The one thing I can not change is that I can not want 'it' for them. All students have the potential to succeed. We must stand firm and tell them that we believe in them!

I couldn't agree more. Your role is to give them the tools and the opportunity. The motivation (and the talent) must come from the student.

Dr. Jane Jarrow

I agree with this. It is our responsibility to make sure students are aware of all options, obstacles, and opportunities. People are capable of amazing things, and one should never underestimate a potential student based on assumptions of a disability, wether expressed or not expressed.

It is imperative that a potential student have all the information about the program and potential job requirements at the time of enrollment, this will allow them to make an informed decision on whether they will be able to succeed. It is unethical to not provide this information, and or to try to hide it in order to get an enrollment.

We must be honest but in a kind way.

Aren't you honest with all your students? As you should be. GRIN So what you are really saying is that your role with students with disabilities is to treat them just as you treat every other student. That works for me!

Dr. Jane Jarrow

I wish this happened more often. I would hope any student with a disablity is informed and has an advocate.

I am a teacher. I view my role doing everything I can to help the students succeed. All that matters is that they have a drive and desire to learn. I spend extra time reading the test to students who need it. I spend time teaching them how to study, how to organize time, how to handle stress etc. Sometimes it just simply makes a big differnce when a student know a teacher sincerly cares about them and their education.

I couldn't agree with you more. With or without disabilities, students always respond most (and best) to instructors who are more interested in THEM than in rules. GRIN

Dr. Jane Jarrow

I agree our jobs are to educate the student and teach them the skills, and knowledge they need to attain their goal, regardless of any disability.

Yep! Just as is true for any other student, what the student with a disability DOES with that education is up to him/her.

Dr. Jane Jarrow

As long we maintain honest and fair dealings, our intentions will be good. Great comments on this topic- everyone seems to agree-

I agree with this statement. Students regardless of disabilities are not entitled to success. The most important thing is that they work hard and take the initiative.

Yep! Our job is to provide equal OPPORTUNITY. The knowledge, skills, and learning are up to them.

Dr. Jane Jarrow

Yes, I think that this statement is true! If we didn't provide information for the student (regardless if they have a disability or not)- then how can the student make that informed decision, whatever the decision may be...

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