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Teacher Coaching in CTE Programs | Origin: LC150

This is a general discussion forum for the following learning topic:

Best Practices in Supervising and Coaching CTE Teachers --> Teacher Coaching in CTE Programs

Post what you've learned about this topic and how you intend to apply it. Feel free to post questions and comments too.

Feedback is...

-continous and in the moment

-honest and conversational

-inquisitive instead of forceful

-based on a broader vision

-specific and not general

-descriptive not critical

-mainly focused on building up strengths

Simple techniques like starting and ending feedback with a question is something I hadn't heard before and seems very helpful. Again, the discuss of "blurred" feedback emphasizes how critical it is that feedback be specific and evidence based. Giving specific evidence is so important to addressing issues with staff and students alike. 

I think the big take-away that I had from this section was to provide feedback by first asking a question. I like how that first question allows the person you are giving feedback to say "yes" or "no," and it gives them the opportunity to know that the feedback is coming. I think it is also valuable to remember to focus on the data and specific, and not what can be blurred and taken in other ways. At the end of the day, the goal is always on student instruction and how to have the students as engaged as possible in the learning.

My disitict uses student centered coaching and this affirmed much of the work I am doing with our CTE teachers. I learned more about setting goals with teachers and putting the strategies in to practice. 

I think the video that included the 4 steps to providing effective feedback was very helpful.  Having sentence starters to use will help me guide my conversations with teachers.  

I enjoyed the information shared in this module, as it helped me to create specific sentence starters for feedback statments.  


I also really appreciated the video on how to give and receive feedback. It is important to practice this skill because the feedback we give new teachers is crucial to not only their improvement, but also their retention and joy in the profession. 

I very much enjoyed the link to the video that talked about how to give and receive feedback. This will be useful in my day-to-day management with my team and also something I will share more broadly with the school improvement team.


The 7 characteristics of effective coaching feedback and the 4 points on giving effective feedback were very helpful in evaluating my own feedback practices ... I also see this as useful not just in peer to peer feedback but in teacher to student as well - I also see it as part of the learning that needs to happen for students both by modeling and allowing them to develop their skills.

I laso enjoyed the seven characteristics. I will review them often. I also Was encouraged to not only reflect on my teaching oractice but on my coaching practice. I am so used to supporting others that this is an important step that I leave out and ultimately limit my growth. How to give effective feed back was also poserful to listen to. I plan to use these steps during a next coaching session



There was a lot of great information in this section.  I plan to review the 7 characteristics of effective coaching feedback prior to the next visit with an instructor.  I wan to incorporate those into my thought process with every feedback opportunity.  I also want to practice the information that LeeAnn Renniger gave when having a difficult message.

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