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I use both electronic and paper, I have found this works best for me because it is always accessible either to me or my school director


Many admissions representatives opt to use a variety of methods to stay abreast of regulatory changes and updates. I am sure that your director is appreciative that s/he has access tothe materials you are using to stay in compliance.

Cindy Bryant

We use a physical notebook and it works well for us. We can "flip" from page to page quickly using tabs and even have more than one page available to view at one time if needed. When we have the state inspectors in our office they love it. They just go thru the tabs and pick which area of the notebook they want to review and don't need us to help them. More than one inspector has stated "wish everyone would do it this way".
Sonny Shaddix, owner


I feel that either or would be just fine, however, I do feel that the electronic notebook would be more effective. You are able to update easier, research easier, and share with others much faster. I would definitely make time to create a paper copy, but that would not be what I would readily reference back to as needed.

In today's world, electronic documents, to me, are much more effective when sharing information - particularly information that is constantly being updated. The ease of use and accessibility is the main weighing factor for me. How much time do you think could be saved if you were to use electronic versus a paper notebook to reference material? We are so busy in today's world, that every second counts.

When representatives are looking up information for a student, which would be more effective? Thumbing through a notebook to find the specific answer needed, or electronically locating it within a fraction of the time?



Many school associates prefer the physical notebook to the electronic version. It allows them to feel something that is tangible and it allows them to provide a document to the accreditors.

Cindy Bryant

I am also using both. I had to go buy a thicker binder for CM204. I am keepiing the complete SS 807 in it and the 132. Everywhere I go that I am not driving I read it again. I also am working on an electronic one...trying to use Microsoft Collections. Any suggestions about that would be most welcome. Is there a better way to do an electronic notebook? 


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