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Really great perspective about the concept of a Plan - whether for the next week, year, or 5 years. A Plan gets your Team thinking on the same page. New ideas can develop. You can check how you are doing and what should be eliminated or added. A Plan gives your Team the same goals to strive for and sets a collegial environment. We think that a check up should be more than just once a month to start. If you can't get people together more often, how about a weekly conference call at a certain time. Once the Plan takes hold the meetings might be monthly. Thanks, Susan

Dr. Susan Schulz

We think that Plans are always bigger than the budget. The goal is how to handle this? Perhaps there is some prioritizing that is needed. If all plans are good how can you implement them with the given funds? If it is about human resources, what about asking Alumni to volunteer to help out. If they were happy attending your school and have jobs they love, they are a great source of fill-in staffing and will want to give their time - from time to time. Thanks, Susan

Dr. Susan Schulz

Our instituition did develop a plan where there would be additional reps in the admissions department. The idea was that each day one rep would be in the field creating a presence for our school and the other reps would handle the duties at the office. It just did not work and the addtional positions were eliminated. It did not work because though it was a plan, it was not planned out. The roles and objectives were not clearly defined and there was not a timeline put in place to meet incremental goals. In hindsight the plan should have been reviewed and tweaked on a weekly basis until everyone was clear on what they were doing, what they expectations/goals were and what the progress was and whether or not it was acceptable.

You point out something very important. A plan shouldn't be killed because it didn't work out right away. It could be a good plan that needs adjusting. You are quite right that weekly or even daily evaluation will help to head off problems in the beginning. People are too quick to stop something because often they are afraid. We learn more when things don't work. It forces us to be creative and consider other options. Maybe someone will be brave enough to re visit your community outreach plan. We also think one person needs to be out in the community every day. In fact, they shouldn't even have a desk at the school! Thanks, Susan

Dr. Susan Schulz

Good evening,

Yes, as a matter of fact, we are currently in the planning stage of a new five year plan. One of the major challenges is evaluating the outcome of an existing plan that we developed approximately six years ago. We have noted that the goals in that plan were met with the exception of a globalization component. Not only did development of the plan require additional personnel, but the globalization portion that we initially defined was too broad to implement. As we move forward with a new strategic plan, we have redefined the globalization component so that it is more feasible.

Sounds like the old plan is still proving to be useful. It is important to constantly review the plan to see how you are doing and what changes have to be made. We think Plans are dynamic tools to see how things are going and stimulate new ideas. It is also a way to get your entire Team working on the same road and goals. Thanks, Susan

Dr. Susan Schulz

Fortunately, the institution that I work for is well established and business plans are in place and appropriate to meet needs. Contingency plans are in place.

It's great that plans are in place. It is always interesting to see how many on staff know the plans and current status. It is also interesting to see how often the plans are reviewed against what is actually happening. Again, there is a lot to learn from Plans. Plans are great in our opinion. There also has to be some flexibility as new data might point to modifications. thanks

Dr. Susan Schulz

I do believe our school has developed a comprehensive plan that included more resources including budget, facility space and staffing than what was readily available. I think part of the planning is to evaluate what future plans have the capability of success. Expansion and new program offerings inevitibly require greater resources. A plan is just that, it's a guide for future growth or development. It is a workable idea that provides a starting point. In my experience, part of the strategic planning allows for the staffing, facility needs and other contingencies. I feel part of the comprehensive plan should be fluid to meet market needs and industry expectations.

Very good comments about a plan. It is a guide that has the involvement of many people such as faculty, staff, and maybe even employers and grads. It's a way to stay on track while taking opportunities that present themselves. It's a measurement so everyone can say "how am I doing" against the goals set forth. It gets everyone working together and at the same time encourages innovation and creativity. It sounds like a Plan is a must in both our professional and personal lives! Thanks, Susan

Dr. Susan Schulz

Our massage program is a clock outrage program. The DOE as we all know has strict policies that we must abide by in order to obtain accreditation regarding these hours. Our students are required to attend 90% of the program in order for completion. At times, this can be challenging to the average student with life outside our walls. Our school has faced a increase in student population, which is a very good problem, but does come with a new set of challenges. In order to manage an effective system of tracking student make up time of attendance and missed coursework, we had to put a strategic plan in place in how to better manage this system. With more students comes more missed attendance. Our student services department has spent a great deal of time and brainstorming how to be efficient as possible with our resources. It had been a work in progress with many opportunities learned and strengths gained. We continue to meet as a team weekly to make adjustments to our plan and evaluate where we are with our student outcomes.

Very interesting challenges and ways you are handling them. What I see mostly is that you are involving your Team to identify the challenges and also to develop ways to overcome them. What is important, it seems, is that your Team is working together. Not only are they working on how to deal with problems, but it looks like they are using the time to identify opportunities and creative solutions. We think that is so important. You might want to involve students and alumni as you are seeking solutions. Often they have the answers since they see things from different perspectives. Thanks, Susan

Dr. Susan Schulz

Sometimes it would feel like it, but we have always been able to make due. We have had times where things haven't gone according to plan because there have been some items of concern that fall through the cracks, but we pick up and move forward. I feel that communication would have remedied alot of the issues that had come up. Make sure that all are in the know before implementing new procedures, it will alleviate alot of headache.

Plans are always challenging to implement. They are probably easier to create. The task is to keep everyone focused. Give people implementation assignments. Team people up who can work together creatively. Set deadlines and keep brainstorming going. It is exciting and energizing. Have someone keep track of progress so your staff is all aware of what is getting completed and what has fallen through the cracks. Thanks, Susan

Dr. Susan Schulz

Yes - our organization has been around for over 20 years but like you mentioned strategic planning is a on going importance in every successful school.

We feel that Planning is a must regardless of how long the institution has been functioning. As schools get more mature it is even more important to put Plans in place. You don't want to get lulled into doing the same thing. You have to be careful to ensure that your programs are up to date and relevant and meeting the ever changing needs of the community. There are many new opportunities and it takes the brainstorming and planning to identify them and make that happen. For new and ongoing growth a Plan is always essential. Thanks, Susan

Dr. Susan Schulz

As the planning starts we have come across similar situations, but coming together as a team planning and forecasting, preparation and goals has set some ground. Is all about clarification forecasts and knowing where each team is headed and have the same focus and goals. Working with the staff and the community to be able to reach the goals.

It is amazing when everyone works as a Team. Working as a Team results in lots of innovative ideas. Working together on the same Plan gets things done and is enjoyable. People are typically ready to work on goals and plans if they have been a part of the planning. We think that when there are issues and challenges the place to look for solutions is with the school employees. They usually have the answers as they see things from the inside where the problems are. All they have to do is be asked! Thanks, Susan

Dr. Susan Schulz

This will be my first campus director opportunity and am very excited. Unfortunately I cannot include my opinion on which adjustments should be implemented as I have not created or reviewed our current situation.

It sounds like you have a great plan to first determine what is working at your school and then see what is not working. From that you can create a plan and involve everyone on staff. We find that when there are challenges or when we want creative innovative thinking we ask the constituency. This includes students, staff, alumni, employers, and more. Typically they are aware of the challenges and also solutions. All that has to be done is ask them! Once a plan is in place then everyone on your Team can get involved. Good luck, Susan

Dr. Susan Schulz

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