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I recently changed jobs within 6 months and the company I now work for may be laying off .

I am sorry for the change in jobs. I know these times can be tough but each of these experiences will be growing pains in your life. But I know by experience that these moments will help you be sensitive and understanding in the future with others who go through the same issues. It also will be a moment where we all take time to think more about our future and do some strategic planning. Good Luck and I hope for he best for you.

Mark, I feel your pain. One of my friends left a job after several years for a better opportunity and within 6 month the company closed that location and she was laid off. She has been laid off for over 18 months. She eventually found another job only to be laid off again. She is very depressed and feels like a failure. I try to keep her spirits high by letting her know that it is the economy and has nothing to do with her but that is easier said than done. She is going thru a difficult time which I understand but the most any of us can do is to be supportive, listen and be a friend. I hope you have good friends to help you thru this.
At the end of the day remember life is short and has its ups and downs. If you are not dead or in prison we can all start over!!! Best of luck. .

If you look at many successful people they have encountered failures in their life. I am sure that these experiences help us become better if we don't let them get us down to the point we stop trying. The answer to adversity is our ability to persevere.

Dr. Gary Carlson

I have empathy for your situation. I switched positions for a more lucrative job and within 9 months the funding for the position ended, as did my job (it was supposed to be a 3 year position). In this economy, it has taken me 1 1/2 yrs. to find another position, part time. The stress of this situation was very real and is still effecting me to this day...i.e. $65,000 a year to $20,000 as well as professionally. I'm still not quite sure how to handle all of the stress this situation has caused. It's definitely changed my life. The only thing I can recommend is to stay positive until it's a reality and then take it day by day in a positive way.

When you are faced with some unbearable situations is when you need to confide in friends. The network you have developed with friends will help you through this time. Another plus is your ability to believe in yourself. You have had time in your experiences to have something to offer. How you approach life now is not to have a high regard for yourself and make sure your value shows.

Dr. Gary Carlson

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