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release stress>

what are the reason to release stress.

I have always professed there is good stress and bad. Some stress can stimulate the senses create blood flow to your brain. Other stress that
may be emotionally draining. It may create a mental issue if this continues for a long period of time. Stress release practices would a healthy practice.

Not releasing stress can cause your body to react in physical ways! Your heart rate and blood pressure can increase, your cholesterol may increase and you may find yourself with gastro-intestinal symptoms such as heartburn, ulcers, irritable bowel symdrome, etc. In one very stressful period I lost chunks of hair and my skin became dry and itchy. It's different for everyone.
I have a stressful job at times, but I know that I have to let go of the things that I cannot control and develop action plans for those that I can. And when all else fails, a long run with my dog keeps me happy and energized!

Stress obviously has some bioligical effects on us. Decision making can be influenced by stress. Quick decisions or decisions that don't allow for our best instincts to go to work for us. It is necessary for all of us to step back away from the incidents and challenges that may jump in front of us with some level headed good instinct thinking for a realistice decision. Stress sometimes can get in the way of such a strategy. There are many books and articles about stress.You can read those but it is important to remember to realize you are the one in control of your inner most feelings. The book "Blink" gives perspective to good instinct decisions.

I am sure that releasing stress can extend human life by many years.

My one question for the group is: " Do women do a better job at releasing stress than men?"

People are people.

Stressing out to the point of health issues can effect anyone.
Some people are able to manage the juggling act of life with limited stress

I don't think a blanket men vs. women is the answer.

Stress is a common reaction by any of us male or female. In fact in John Medina's book "Brain Rules" he explains the need to be stressed at some times is a matter of survival. When stress becomes the predominant part of anyones day may often causes health issues. Along with leading a balance life of physicl, mental and spiritual acivity is a healing process to stress. Another great practice is to remain optimistic about the future. Positive self talk keeps stress at bay.

I agree and have actually been reading a lot about positive affirmation.
Thank you for your input.


For me at this stage in my life, releasing stress is a serious matter since I'm pregnant. Stress makes me worry, which makes my blood pressure go up; while it was never a cause for concern when I was younger, now it's a matter of health not only for me but for my baby as well.

I have always been the overachiever, doing more than everyone else; graduated college with all A's...then it caught up to me, I started having panic attacks when I decided to plan my wedding while going to grad school full time. Now the main reasons for me to release my stress is because I have to be responsible for the well being of this life that I'm bringing into this world.

I've had to lessen my work load because I was just doing too much...the best thing I tell myself is that there's no way that I can do everything for everyone, all the time. It's OK to just do the minimum sometimes.


One of the greatest attributes of great leaders and managers is understanding stress. You are sensitive to this with the priority setting you have done to better understand your stress signals. It is still important you have a balanced life with any interjections of stress in your day to day acitivity. Balanced means to have mental acitivity, physical acitivity (recreational) and spiritual activity in your life. Your inner talk needs to continue to be positive talk. Our inner most thoughts that remain negative will only enhance the blood pressure issue. Calmer thoughts have prevailed much more than emotionally distraught thoughts. You have recognized your responsibilities and now begin to think only about the pleasure this responsibilty will bring to your life.

Is it a boy or girl?


You are so right! I've always been told growing up that I had to be the best and do more than everyone else. When I didn't I would be very negative and tell myself that I just wasn't good enough.

I've had to really take a look inside my soul and make my spiritual life a priority. I've had to turn my negative words into positive and it made a world of difference. I believe in myself, even if I'm not perfect all the time.

I really had to make it a priority since I don't want my child to learn bad habits from me...and it's a baby boy! So excited!


Congratulations! I have three boys and a daughter. Some the greatest joy I have had in my life has been the children we are blessed with.

It sounds like you are a very bright person with a great future. Positive thinking will get you where you want to go.

Well, since one way to relieve stress is by talking with others about problems that concern you, this could be true. I've read that one of the key factors in centenarians' advanced age is surrounding themselves with friends.

To answer your question, I think it all depends on the person or their environment. A man or woman will be more stressed if living in an anxiety-prone environment. I also think that some people have a predisposition to become more anxious or stressed than others.

In Dr. John Medina's book "Brain Rules" he considered the disposition of people and stress. Along with stress the learning environment can be enhanced by many of the attributes he has revealed in his book. Emotion from stress is a function of the part of the brain that may a reaction for different reasons. Survival and crisis has the highest level of stress and anxiety. Crisis managment is a good method of communicating to the employees there is a well thoughtout plan for responding to a crisis which lessens the stress and emotion.

Too much stress creates an overwhelming feeling and outlook toward your work. It becomes difficult to focus on the task at hand. Releaving stress enables you to re-focus, and see everything from a more objective point of view.

I agree 100% that there stess can be good or bad, and this depends on my perception of that which is causing me stress. If I see it as an opportunity, it can be motivating. When there are more stressors than I feel I can manage at one time, then I can become overwhelmed and begin to see everything negatively. This is when the stess beocomes bad and I have to step back, re-focus, and prioritize.

In a class on I took once on stess management, the instructor showed a ppt slide of a graveyard with the head stones, grass, trees, etc. Everyone in the class wondered what this slide could have to do with the lesson or the course. Then the instructor said, "here are the only people on earth who have no stress". This made an excellent and profound point that, stress lets us know we are alive; that it is neither good nor bad! It is how we deal with it that makes it good or bad for us.

What a nice depiction of people with no stress. Everyone is obviously different when it comes to stress and how you handle it. You did explain that you prioritize when things seem to be mounting. It is always good to prioritize even if the stress is not mounting. A clear mind with objectivity can reduce the stress but never diminish it completely. I often am motivated by the stess I feel to conquer the task. Remember to always have a balance between mental challenges, physical acitivity, spiritual and recreation.

The measure of what is to much stress is different with different people. It is important to know this level for yourself and not let yourself reach this point of diminishing returns. It is better to step back and take a second look with an agenda to achieve the goals necessary to accomplish. Stress can be a motivator or it can come to defeating you. You can defeat stress by knowing your symptoms of how much and to much stress you can endure.

I agree that sometimes stress can be so overwhelming that you can get lost in your own panic.

I have also found that others pick up on stressed individuals, even if they are trying their best to hide it. Smiling and having a friendly disposition (even when you don't want to) can keep peace in the workplace and lift your own spirits in the process.

Staying positive can be very hard sometimes. This is especially hard in an environment that breeds negative thoughts. Persistence is the key to a positive atmosphere. In time smiles and recognizing the positive more than the negative works in the long term.

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