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Everyone needs to gain trust and comfort with new people. It is a protection mechanism we use to measure the commitment a person may have to the company or other employees.

Dr. Gary Carlson

No doubt a change agent! Change can be as confusing and intimidating as the word itself, but change can also be refreshing, challenging and rewarding to the right individuals. It may all begin with my strong work ethic and the incredible adaptive learning/managing style I have been a part of much of my professional life. This environment has been a part of me for so many years I have become extremely comfortable, confident and successful in it.
The ability to embrace change, support change and help manage change is also one’s ability to support the organization, feel vested in the company, feel valued as an employee, and have personal “heart” in what you do everyday matters. When what you do doesn’t matter anymore is extremely transparent to others and obvious to leadership.
There is a saying I follow – “Don’t be part of the problem, be part of the solution!” Find ways to make it better for all involved. The glass is always half full!

Great attitude!! You are so right when it comes to engaging in a project. People need to know what the end of the tunnel looks like and if they can see it clearly they are more apt to buy into the change. When people feel ownership in the process they will make it succeed.

Dr. Gary Carlson

I think that one can be both, depending on the situation. When a well-thought out plan is rolled out, I tend to back it up. I have also led small changes at my work places. However, I have also found myself being a change resister, when my past experiences lead me to believe that the change is dumb.


Change has made who I am today. It takes talent in a leader and team to embrace change and mold it to be workable and a success. Reward for this accomplishment is the feeling of achievement.

Dr. Gary Carlson

Absolutely a change agent! Although there have been times where I have been caught not wanting a change myself...Most of the time, I am a perfectionist and therefore always looking for a better way. I believe that change can be very exciting and positive if you can get everyone involved to feel as though they have ownership in the outcome. If not, the change can be scary and those affected feel like victims. In recent on the job activities, we have found significant value in allowing those who are most affected by a change to have their voice heard, and when possible, allow them to have some input in decision making process if possible.

Your method of hearing people is a good way to defuse any nay sayers to a change in your plans. By hearing them and then using coaching techniques to move forward.

Dr. Gary Carlson

I have always been a change agent. Change will always be necessary to continue to grow has a organization and a company.

I believe its up to the leader of the change to provide employee with the information needed to make those successful decision to support or question the required change.


Change is a matter of life right now. To survive the business world today we need to be abreast with change and embrace it with our own experrience and knowledge.

Dr. Gary Carlson


Change to be successful needs a leader with vision. They can both comfort and motivate employees of the change added value.

Dr. Gary Carlson

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