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Creating a balance between work and home

I find that I have to remind myself that a job, is just a job. When my home life suffers, everything else suffers along with it. Sometimes it is hard to remember to balance the two.


Our company stresses "faith, family health and job" in that order. We are fortunate in that our leadership believes in this.

Jeffrey Schillinger

Hello Laticia.

This is probably the biggest challenge for anyone new to a leadership role. Since you have that strong desire to succeed and make things better for the company and co-workers now that you are in a position that may give you the opportunity to do so, normally one gets so involved, and devoting so much time, that family, friends, hobbies, suffer so much, that getting that back on track becomes a very difficult task. As you said, work is very important, but if you don't have the foundations and the support to perform effectively, then work will not be there sometime soon.

I believe that women with children in workforce struggle the most from imbalance between job and family. Historically, a woman's role in any society was to provide care, warmth, support for other family members. Emotional support was the biggest factor in terms of raising kids. Nowadays, kids see their mothers only before the night time, exausted, emotionally drained. The bond between the two is broken.
In addition to it, employed women feel tremendous amount of guilt by not being able to witness their children growth, be a part of their lives, support them with every step.
Despite the recognition by some employeers the importance of balance, not many of them truly accomodate the needs of working mothers. Thus, creating the generation of unnurtured children and unhappy mothers.

Interesting post, Irina. Mothers, espcially single mothers, often make up a significant percentage of a career college's student body. What are one or two things your school does, or should do, to better serve these students who face so many challenges?

Jeffrey Schillinger

I agree I am really struggling with balancing home and work. My exhaustion and frustration is starting to affect my productivity at work. I am considering a job change or maybe I just need a vacation to regroup and priorotize my goals.


Many of us are struggling top find the correct life - work balance. I have found some relief by turning off my electrnic corrections to work at a selected time when I am at home. I care out a few minutes, perhaps when my spouse is busy doing something else to do a quick check regarding work, but then I am done forthe eveniing if there is no emergency.

Of course, a vacation never hurts. Key West is a nice place to relax and tink. :)

Jeffrey Schillinger

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