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Returning E-mails

I was tought by a fantastic mentor that all tasks should have a specified time. That plan has served me every since.

The suggestion to have emails with specific Subject headers was excellent! I want to better learn and encourage others to send emails with very clear and concise Subject headings and to keep the email on point with this!

With the better usage of Subject Headings or categories, it is easier to put into different folders for "immediate action", "critical action", "personal", and "not important - later"

I feel the short fall here is that we are now in a societywhere EVERYONE wants a reponse NOW! Whether it's a text message, email, or facebook message. We are all used to quick responses. Many of my co-workers,along with myself answer emails at night and over weekends, just to get them compeleted. It is expected in my workplace that we answer them even if we are off. So this creates a work/like balance issue for all of us.


A lot of folks have the same issue. We are so dedicated that through good service, we have established an expectation of instantaneous service and reply rather than just good service and a prompt reply. We need to help folks set reasonable expectations.

Jeffrey Schillinger

I have found myself falling into the "instantaneous servrice" mode due to the high pressure to be everything and everywhere at once. I will definitly apply the use of sorting emails, and only dealing with them at scheduled times!!


You make a good point here. We should not be expected to be accessible 100% of the time.

Jeffrey Schillinger

Email is what makes the world turn at my place of work. I feel like I have to check it every few minues and respond or I feel both bad and that I am not working hard enough. I dont understand why people just wont walk over to where you sit and talk. I have a love / hate relationship with my email.


The most effective strategu is to turn your email off except during time periods you set aside for just email.

Jeffrey Schillinger

I work in the Education field and students sent documents, resumes, application all the time and the time frame that they have in mind for me to respond is very quick, I have two time during the day to respond them 12 pm and 4 pm. I use diferents folder to organize the emails.

I agree this is a fabulous idea. I can spend a ridiculous amount of time checking responding and trashing emails. I also like the suggestion of moving the emails into designated folders to keep order and file according to priority.

I find that I do better if I only check and respond to e-mails once when I check in, once after lunch, and before its time to leave. that way I do not waste time checking for mail all day.


The "experts" in time management agree. Email should be a scheduled time not an "on demand" process.

Jeffrey Schillinger

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